Mac and Cheese
What is the favorite way of consuming cheese in America?
12 pounds
How much milk does it take to make one gallon of ice cream?
21 billion gallons of milk annually
What is the output of U.S. dairy farms each year?
27 pounds of cheese
What is the amount of cheese the average American consumes per year?
233 cows
What is the average number of cows on a Wisconsin dairy farm?
Mozzarella and Provolone
What are the two cheeses first focused on at BDC?
What is America's favorite ice cream flavor?
25 gallons of milk per year
What is the annual consumption of milk by the average American?
1400 pounds
What does an average dairy cow weigh?
1 million of these call Wisconsin home
How many cows are in Wisconsin?
June 1896
What year did BDC commence operations?
In China over 3000 years ago
When & where was ice cream invented?
99% of households
How much of all U.S. households purchase milk?
7 gallons/day
What is the average amount of milk a cow produces each day?
2.5 billion pounds
How much cheese does Wisconsin produce each year?
What is the only thing that changes the color from white cheddar to yellow cheddar?
9% of dairy milk
What percent of U.S. milk production goes toward making ice cream?
How much milk does it take to make one pound of butter?
What is the year the first known cheesemaker was hired at Cady?
$25 billion
Beta-carotene consumed when cows eat
What causes the natural yellow color of butter?
What year is the first written ice cream recipe from?
161.5 degrees F for 15 seconds
What is considered legally pasteurized milk?
How much of the calcium in the U.S. food supply comes from dairy foods?
26% of production
What share of U.S. cheese production does Wisconsin contribute?