What is Interpersonal Effectiveness?
Improving communication and relationship skills, such as asserting needs and managing conflicts.
What is distress tolerance?
Building skills to cope with difficult emotions and crises without making things worse.
What is Mindfulness?
Learning to be present in the moment and to observe thoughts and feelings without judgment.
What is Emotion Regulation?
Understanding and managing intense emotions, including decreasing emotional vulnerability and increasing emotional resilience.
What does DBT stand for?
Dialectical Behavior Therapy
What are the 3 main communication styles?
What is opposite action AND give an example of how you have used this skill this week?
The Opposite Action Skill allows us to choose to respond opposite from what our biological response would activate us to do
Share 3 ways to practice mindfulness this week
Name 5 *healthy* coping skills that can be utilized to regulate emotions
What school is Nate currently enrolled in?
Ball State University
What are the 3 states of mind?
Wise Mind
Emotion Mind
Rational/Logical Mind
Radical acceptance is the complete and total acceptance of reality. This means that you accept the reality of a situation in your mind, heart, and body. You stop fighting against the reality and accept it.
Share a judgement that you have and turn into mindful form.
Identify 3 common myths about emotions and explain why they are untrue
Kadee, Katie, Dabney, Emily, Brenna, Todd
What does the acronym GIVE stand for?
Gentle, Interested, Validate, and Easy Manner
What is the difference in willfulness vs willingness?
Willingness refers to the ability to be open, receptive, and engaged in the present moment. It involves a mindset of acceptance and a willingness to participate fully in the process of change.
Willfulness refers to a state of stubbornness or resistance to change. It involves having a rigid or an inflexible mindset and refusing to consider alternative viewpoints or approaches.
What are the 3 "What" Skills?
What does "Cope Ahead" mean? And how have you practiced this week?
The Cope Ahead skill is intended to have us consider how we might be prepared in some way to help us reduce stress ahead of the time
What is Emily's dog's name?
What does the acronym FAST stand for?
be Fair, no Apologies, stick to Values, be Truthful
What does ACCEPTS stand for?
What are the "How Skills"?
One-Mindfully, Non-Judgmentally, Effectively
What does STOP acronym stand for?
Stop, Take a step back, Observe, Proceed mindfully.
Who developed DBT?
Marsha Linehan