Account Notes

This is how many pieces of information need to be confirmed when verifying an account.

What is two?


This is the order in which we pick up calls to dispatch.

What is top to bottom?


Since WWII, British battle tanks include this beverage equipment.

a. Coca-Cola
b. Tea
c. Coffee
d. Pepsi

What is Tea?

(The British Army deigned special tea kettles to be installed its tanks.)


This is how we proceed during Intake when the Account Notes are blank.

What is follow the script and ask the caller?


This is how can you tell the age of a horse.

a. The length of its tail
b. The quality of its hooves
c. The clarity in its eyes
d. The lines on its teeth 

What are the lines on its teeth?

(This is where the saying “don’t look a gift horse in the mouth” comes from.)


This is how many slices of pizza are eaten in the United States every second.

‍a. 12 Slices
b. 100 Slices
c. 350 Slices
d. 900 Slices 

What is 350 Slices?

(Or 100 acres of pizza a day!)


This beloved movie character was almost called ‘Lunar Larry’? 

‍a. Wall-E
b. Optimus Prime
c. George Jetson
d. Buzz Lightyear

Who is Buzz Lightyear?


These types of interstates run South to North.

What are odd numbered interstates?


Steer-Endurance LHS

Drive-Endurance LHD

Trailer-Endurance LHT

For this account, the requested product for the Left Rear Outside (LRO) drive tire is ___________.

What is Endurance LHD?


Team Lead Channel advised to call dispatch for approval to expand to all Goodyear Dealers.  

This is missing from the above notation.

What is the name of the person in the Team Lead Channel that gave the advisement?


Of the options below, this animal hibernates the longest.

‍a. Bears
b. Snail
c. Koala
d. Sloth 

What is a snail?

(Snails can hibernate up to 3 years!)


When considering The Basics, this is unique to a Local Book Account.

What is confirming the company has an account with the shop?


These do not show up on the map.

What are mile markers?


This is how many colors are in the rainbow.

a. 6
b. 7
c. 8
d. 9

What are 7? 

(The colors are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.)


This is the fastest land snake in the world.

a. Sidewinder
b. Black Mamba
c. King Cobra
d. Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake 

What is a Sidewinder?

(The Black Mamba is often listed as the fastest snake, moving at 12mph. But, the sidewinder is actually the fastest, moving at 18mph.)


In addition to huddling the caller with the shop for pricing, this should be notated when setting up service for a Cash/Credit Card/Comm Check call. 

What is the payment method and who is paying?

(Also accepted - If the credit card is on site and a matching ID)


In the city of Gainesville in Georgia, the law prohibits this from being eaten with a fork.

a. Peach Cobbler
b. Mac and Cheese
c. Fried Chicken
d. Corn Bread

What is C, Fried Chicken?

(Gainesville made the law in 1961 as a way to promote the city as the ‘poultry capital of the world’.)


This alcoholic drink is made with juniper berries.

a. Gin
b. Vodka
c. Rum
d. Whiskey 

What is Gin?

(While juniper berries are the primary flavor, gin is made with several botanical ingredients, including herbs, florals, and fruit.)


This unit of measurement is used to measure the speed of a computer mouse. 

a. Inches
b. Centimeters
c. Mickeys
d. Paws 

What are Mickeys?

(It’s the unit of measurement for how many pixels and millimeters a mouse moves.)


Driver/Kelly advised in the Huddle that the unit is against the fence, across from door 15, in the southwest corner of the yard.  Driver/Kelly advised the unit is white with a red logo on the door.

Referencing the above information, these are the details that should be left in the comment section of the service ticket. 

What is all?


This is the only line that must be commercial tire service.  We may set up for passenger tires on the other lines.

What is FHQ/Goodyear Fleet HQ?


This is what we enter as the Estimated Billable time when the shop does not have/cannot provide Estimated Billable.

What is 2 hours?


When the breakdown location is a yard or physical address, in addition to the address we should be asking for this.

What is the name of the location?


This is the name of the little dot seen above the ‘j’ and the ‘i’.

a. A Dot
b. A Tittle
c. A Jot
d. A Spot 

What is a tittle?

(The cross seen in ‘t’ is called a jot, so make sure to jot your t’s and tittle your i’s.)


This country is said to have the best quality tap water. 

a. Netherlands
b. France
c. Sweden
d. Switzerland 

What is Switzerland?
