List the parts of An Affirmative Contention/Advantage
Aff Uniqueness/Significance, Harms, Internal Link, Impact, Solvency
These serve to remind your judge what are the most essential arguments and warrants they should have understood from the constructive.
Extensions and/or Overviews
When you argue the opposite of an opponents claim.
A Negative argument that works to prove how the action of affirming the resolution or plan and changing the status quo will cause bad things to happen.
List the Parts of an individual argument
Claim, Warrant, Impact, Evidence
When you read a single card or make a single analytical argument to answer an opponents argument
Case Turns,Link Turns, Impact turns,Internal Link turns, and Case/Impacts Outweigh arguments, are all Offense or Defense?
A Negative position that objects to the affirmative through the use of critical theory or social justice, unlike the counter plan this off case argument has an "alternative".
DAILY DOUBLE:With the exception of Evidence is the following a complete argument? "We should eat sushi for the rest of our lives because sushi is delicious while being healthy."
No because its missing an impact
Magnitude, Timeframe, Probability are all ways to. . .
Weigh and Compare Impacts
Non Unique, No Link, No internal link, no impact and solvency deficit arguments, are all Offense or Defense?
A Negative plan that acts as a counter option to what the affirmative plan has presented.
Counter Plans
List the parts of a Negative Contention/Disadvantage
Uniqueness, Link, Internal Link, Impact
A Pre-prepared response to an opponents contention with multiple cards and analytical arguments
True or False: Offense is better than defense if you are trying to win a debate.
This Off Case argument centers around the meaning of the words in the resolution and whether or not the affirmatives case or plan is consistent with the best interpretation of those words.
To persuade by credibility , to persuade by logic, and to persuade by emotion.
Ethos, Logos, Pathos
In order to effectively structure your final focus you . .
Identify What is your best arg why you win what is your opponents best argument and even if that argument is true or persuasive why they still don't win the debate, and why voting for the opposing side makes things worse.
Double Turn
This deals with the "status" of an advocacy and means the negative can not commit to a counter plan or kritik