One of the most well-known defense mechanisms, ______ involves refusing to accept the reality of addiction or its consequences
What is a Time Bomb Tactic
tactics are the irresponsible person's closest ally. As long as their tactics are successful, irresponsible individuals are able to dodge accountability and justify their behavior.
Recognize and acknowledge your defense mechanisms. Developing ________________ is the first step in overcoming them.
Self Awareness
What is the strongest bone in the human body?
This defense mechanism involves creating logical explanations or justifications for behaviors related to addiction
What does a time bomb tactic do to an individual?
prevent progress and reinforce regress or relapse into deeper levels of irresponsibility, crime, and substance abuse. They block change and nurture harmful and destructive lifestyles while promoting continuance in barriers in thinking.
________ helps you observe your defense mechanisms without judgment.
What is the fastest spinning planet in the solar system?
This defense mechanism can hinder the recognition of the need for comprehensive treatment.
What can happen if time bomb tactics go unchecked?
and improving relationships with others.
Cultivate ____________ with yourself and your support network
Who is the first Disney Princess?
Snow White
It involves shifting one’s own feelings, thoughts, or behaviors to others.
Name 3 Categories
Shift Blame or Focus, Lies and Deceit or Ignores Obligations
Learn healthy ways to manage emotions, stress, and anxiety. Effective techniques include deep breathing, meditation, and exercise.
Emotional Regulation
Which gas makes up the majority of Earth's atmosphere?
the individual convinces themselves that things are not as bad or severe as they really are.
Name 3 of the tactics reviewed
Attack - attack the person instead of dealing with the issue. (You're the problem, not me)
. Diversion - changing the subject (power & control)
. Minimization - "It's no big deal."
. Casing People Out - Tell people what you think they want to hear. (Mislead them)
. Generalization - Everyone does it, why not me?
. Silence - "I reveal nothing, I control"
Spongebob Squarepants