This stage is the developing human organism from 9 weeks after conception to birth
This is known as A concept or framwork that organizes and interprets information
This theretical approach includes all the mental activities associated with thinking, knowing, remembering, and communicating.
This is known as our ability to Adapt our current understandings (Schemas) to incorporate new information.
Researchers using a random selection process is also called
What is the fertilized egg; it enters a 2-week period of rapid cell division and develops into an embryo, called
This refers to the brain's ability to adapt and change its structure and function in response to experiences, learning, and environmental stimuli.
This is a substances or agent that can cause structural or functional abnormalities in a developing fetus or embryo.
babies aged 6-8 months use this form of language
True or False: Babies who take longer to sit on their own obviously have a developmental problem
False, many babies develo within a rages of ages
This stage Consists of organ formation and lasts until the beginning of the 3rd month.
Embryonic Stage
This reflex is when a newborn’s cheek is touched s/he will turn head toward touch and begin sucking
This reflex is a foot reflex that occurs when the sole of the foot is stroked
Babinski Reflex
True or false: Longitudinal studies will have a difficult time producing data if participants drop out during the duration of the study
This indicates the degree to which a test or tool produces similar results when used repeatedly under the same conditions
This stage Sexual differentiation occurs and movement begins to develop. Growth is rapid in this stage
Fetal Stage
In studies of stages of development, Which theoretical approach discusses why it is important to include participants that represent a diverse range of cultural backgrounds
This is a form of non-associative learning where an organism's response to a repeated stimulus decreases or disappears after repeated exposure.
The cognitive process of incorporating new information or experiences into existing mental frameworks or schemas
this is the process of natural growth and development, encompassing physical, mental, and emotional changes that occur over an individual's lifespan
By which month, is the fetus responsive to sound.
6 months
The brain develops in a "back-to-front" manner, meaning that the regions involved in basic sensory and motor functions develop earlier than those involved in complex cognitive processes like planning and decision-making, which are functions of the
Pre-Frontal Cortex
This design collects data from different individuals at a single point in time to examine relationships and characteristics within a population, offering a "snapshot" view without tracking changes over time
these are often called milestones at which children reach specific milestones in physical, cognitive, and social-emotional development, serving as guidelines for typical development and used to assess if a child is progressing as expected.
Developmental Norms
This is a specific time window during an organism's development when it is particularly sensitive to certain environmental experiences. During this period, the brain is highly plastic and receptive to learning and forming connection
Critical Period