What is an Individualize Education Plan
A statement of measurable annual _______
What are goals
A change in what the students is taught or expected to learn and alters the curriculum
What is a modification
You (in a year)
Who is the general education teacher
________ are responsible for implementing the IEP in the general education classroom including the accommodations and modifications outlined in the IEP.
Who are General Education Teachers
What is Multi-tiered System of Support
_________ of all stakeholders present
What are signatures
A change in how the student will learn the same material as their peers and alters the environment
What is an accommodation
Person who will provide Special Education services
Special Education teacher
________ education that is individually developed to address a child's specific needs that result from his or her disability.
What is Special Education
What is Response to Intervention
A description of how the child's _______ toward meeting the annual goals will be measured, and when periodic _____ reports will be provided;
What is progress
A statement that identifies what knowledge, skills, and/or behaviors a student is expected to be able to demonstrate within the year during which the IEP will be in effect.
What are goals
If speech or language is a concern
Speech Language Pathologist
Special Education services should build upon and enhance students ________.
What are strengths
What is Positive Behavior Intervention System
A statement of the special education & related_____ and supplementary aids & ______ to be provided to or on behalf of the child;
What are services
A written statement for a child with a disability that is developed, reviewed, and revised in a meeting in keeping with certain requirements of law and regulations. These requirements are discussed in this section.
What is an IEP
(Often) the most knowledgable and invested stakeholder
Who are the parents or caregiver
Students receiving IEP services are _________ protected by law.
What is legally
What is Exceptional Student Services
A statement of the program _______ or supports for school personnel that will be provided to help the child
What are Modifications or Accommodations
A plan designed to level the playing field to afford all students equal access and opportunity to the general education curriculum.
What is a 504 plan
Staff typically responsible for functional behavior assessments
Who is the School Psychologist
Students on IEPs require __________ instruction.
What is differentiated