Food Processing
Anatomy: Digestive System
Anatomy: Excretory System
Stages of Blood Processing

Name the 6 nutrients needed by our bodies:

carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals and water


Name, in order, the 4 stages of food processing

1. ingestion 2. digestion 3. absorption 4. elimination


Name the sequence of organs through which food flows during food processing: (7 organs)

mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine


Name three main organs of the excretory system: _?--Which of these is the major organ of the excretory system?

Kidney, skin, lungs; kidney


When blood first enters the nephrons, it is __?__ in the glomerulus. During this stage, both "good" and "bad" substances are forced out of the blood. The combination of these substances is called _?_

filtered; filtrate


Polysaccharides (carbohydrates) like starch are made of monomers called __?__. The main function of carbohydrates is: _?__

monosaccharides (simple sugars); energy for cellular work


Where does the digestion of each of the following nutrients BEGIN? a) carbohydrates b) proteins c) fats

a) mouth b) stomach c) small intestine


What, specifically, occurs in the mouth? 

ingestion, chemical digestion of carbs, mechanical digestion (chewing)

**Had to say at least one of these**


_?_ is a word meaning, "relating to the kidney". The _?_ delivers blood to the kidney from the heart while the _?_ brings clean blood back to the heart

renal; renal arteries; renal veins

The filtrate that is forced from the blood during filtration is collected in the _?_; substances that are needed by the body are put back into the blood in a process called _?_.
Bowman's capsule; reabsorption

Proteins are polymers made up of monomers called __?__. The main function of these monomers is: _?_

amino acids; build and repair tissues


Where does digestion of each of the following END? a) carbohydrates b) proteins c) fats

small intestine for all


What, specifically, happens in the stomach?

2 things***

Mechanical digestion (churning of food into chyme); chemical digestion of proteins


The individual filtering unit of the kidney is called a _?_; there are millions of these in each kidney. The three stages of blood processing occur here. They are:

nephrons; filtration, reabsorption, excretion/secretion

Everything that was not put back into the blood is now waste. This waste goes into the _?_ during the process known as _?_
collecting duct; excretion

Fats are polymers made of monomers called _?_; The main functions of these monomers are: _?_

fatty acids and glycerols; cell membranes and long-term energy, hormones


Where does absorption of proteins, fats, simple sugars, vitamins and minerals occur? What structures allow this process to occur?

Small intestine; villi and microvilli


What type of substances are each of the following: pepsin, trypsin, maltase, lipase, lactase, sucrase? 



In the nephron, wastes are collected in the _?_. These tubes join into a larger tube called a _?_ which leads to the _?_ where urine is stored. Urine flows through the _?_ to the outside of the body

collecting duct(renal tubules); ureters; bladder; urethra


The nephrons work through a two-step process: the ___________filters your blood, and the ________ ________ returns needed substances to your blood and removes wastes.

glomerulus, renal tubule 


The nutrient that is most important to our bodies is _?_ because it is involved in every hydrolysis reaction. It also helps flush toxins from our bodies. Is this nutrient organic or inorganic.

Water; inorganic


In what structure does absorption of water occur? What stage of food processing also occurs here?

large intestine; elimination


A __?__ is a ball of food and saliva that is swallowed. _?__ is the liquid food and digestive juices in the stomach. It has a very low pH so the _?_ secretes sodium bicarbonate into the small intestine to neutralize it. ***In order to get the whole 500, needs to say all 3. 100 pts ONLY per blank if all 3 arent said**

bolus; chyme; pancreas


Digestion of proteins produces a toxic substance called _?_; this substance is turned into a less toxic substance called _?_ in the liver. This substance leaves the body through a process known as _?_

500 for all, 100 points CAN be used per blank if your pair decides to do halfzies. 

ammonia; urea; excretion


Kidneys help maintain homeostasis by regulating water and salt balance in the blood. The _?_ detects solute concentration. If the solute concentration is too low, less _?_ hormone is released. This tells the kidneys to reabsorb less_?_ making the urine less concentrated.

hypothalumus; antidiuretic; water
