Consequences & Taking Action
Key Dimensions & Social Contracts
Chronic Misbehavior & Teaching Strategies
Discipline, Dignity, and Responsibility
Special Problems
Jen and Violet continuously choose to talk to each other from across the room during class each day. It has been happening for several days and Mrs. Smith is tired of it. As a consequence, she has Jen serve lunch detention and she calls Violet's mom. She gave the girls different consequences because: A) She does not like Violet and wants her mom to know how bad she is B) She thinks having Jen sit by herself will force her to change her behavior C) She believes that each of the girls need to receive the consequence she needs to be successful and act in a more responsible way
C) She believes that each of the girls need to receive the consequence she needs to be successful and act in a more responsible way
While dealing with classroom management the teacher can actively prevent discipline problems and to deal with stress associated with classroom disruptions is known as... A) Action B) Resolutions C) Prevention
C) Prevention
Describe the Bug/Want strategy: A) The students hunts for the bugs that he or she wants and eats them. B) The student says what is bugging him or her and then says what he or she wants to happen or stop happening. C)The student bugs other students until he or she gets what he or she wants.
B) The students says what is bugging him or her then says what he or she wants to happen or stop happening.
In the middle of a presentation about the Alamo, all of the students are actively taking notes and nodding along in agreement, except Billy. He is leaning back in his chair, arms crossed and is not taking any notes. After the class is split into groups, he is still unresponsive. Even after you ask him questions to get him involved in the group discussions, he responds quickly with "I don't know, this is boring. I hate this lesson." How would you respond? A) Say "You know what, you are boring." B) Say "Billy, I am sorry you feel that way. Why not give me a suggestion that will help make it better? Please see me after class." C) Ignore him. He will come around eventually. D) Say "I have had it with your attitude!"
B) Say "Billy, I am sorry you feel that way. Why not give me a suggestion that will help make it better? Please see me after class."
This program, right in school, is when caring adults ‘adopt’ one or two students and provide mentoring and guidance on a regular basis.
Big Brothers Big Sisters
Mr. Gomez is teaching his science class when Morgan decides to interrupt him and tell the entire class "This class really sucks!!!" How should Mr. Gomez react? A) Ignore Morgan and continue teaching B) Begin to argue with Morgan that the class does not suck C) Stabilize the situation by thanking Morgan for being honest and asking if they can sit down together to improve things for the both of them
C) Stablilize the situation by thanking Morgan for being honest and asking if they can sit down together to improve things for the both of them
Some common nonverbal student behaviors are: A) Shoulder shrugs, eye contact, milling about the room B) Peeing in the trashcan C) Digging for buried treasure (in nose)
A) Shoulder shrugs, eye contact, milling about the room
When going through the family intervention process, all are necessary except? A) Involving all parents/guardians that live with the student. B) Being sure the student is fully capable of behaving properly but is choosing not to. C) Establishing positive and negative consequences for if a student reaches or fails to reach his or her goal. D) Insulting the family to establish dominance, making sure to hit on points such as fashion sense, culture/customs, and personal hygiene.
D) Insulting the family to establish dominance, making sure to hit on points such as fashion sense, culture/customs, and personal hygiene.
Thomas randomly shouts out during class. If he is frustrated, he makes loud huffing noises and screams "GRRRRR!" If he is sad, he openly cries. If he finds something funny, he laughs very loudly and doesn't stop, even snorting sometimes. What is the most acceptable outlet for Thomas to express his feelings? A) Run B) Hit C) Write in a journal when he is upset, angry or finds something funny D) Scream
C) Write in a journal when he is upset, angry or finds something funny
This program, especially prevalent in urban schools with high representation from immigrant families, helps students who altogether can speak as many as 150 languages.
English as a Second Language (ESL)
Ashley will not stop messing with Monica's backpack during class. Mrs. Tyson asks Ashley to stop messing with it and to help Monica put her things back together as a consequence. Ashley gives Mrs. Tyson the excuse that Monica started it. How should Mrs. Tyson respond? A) Tell Ashley that Monica did not start it and that Ashley is the one causing trouble B) Ignore Ashley C) Tell Ashley that we respect each other's property in this class, move away from Ashley, and continue teaching the class
C) Tell Ashley that we respect each other's property in this class, move away from Ashley, and continue teaching the class
Which of the following is NOT a preventative step in classroom management? A) Making your classroom a motivating place B) Establish effective classroom rules and consequences C) Lining the teachers desk with barbed wire D) Deal with stressful conflict
C) Lining your teachers desk with barbed wire
Positive individual negotiation with a student requires the teacher to do what? A) Risk hearing unpleasant things from the student. B) Be ready to snap back with sarcasm at a moment's notice. C) Be close-minded to program modification for the student. D) Make sure other students are there to chime in and be the "judge" of who is right and who is wrong.
A) Risk hearing unpleasant things from the student.
Ted is bullying another student in the hallway. Sometimes, he verbally picks on this student and other times, he physically bullies him, hitting him on the back as he walks by and throwing his papers on the ground. Other teachers have put him in detention, saying he was not being respectful to the student. However, the bullying continues. What is one way to help end this issue? A) Suspend Ted B) Call his parents and explain the situation, hoping they will get involved C) After having Ted apologize to the student, give him a Saturday school for every time he bullies someone. D) Set clear limits for Ted, explaining what is and what is not acceptable. Be as specific as possible.
D) Set clear limits for Ted, explaining what is and what is not acceptable. Be as specific as possible.
Although attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has been known for decades, there is a higher number of children – one in 150 to be exact – who present this learning difference.
Jason was using Ms. Simmons' art supplies for a project he was working on in class. When it was time to clean up, he chose to leave everything a mess at his desk when everyone else cleaned up. What should Ms. Simmons do? A) Yell at Jason until he cleans up his area B) Have Jason come before/after school to clean the areas around all the desks C) Leave everything as it is and clean it up herself
B) Have Jason come before/after school to clean the areas around all the desks
A social contract is an agreement between teacher, student, and parents about values, rules and consequences for classroom behavior. What part of this sentence is false? A) Values, rules and consequences B) Parents
B) Parents
All of the following are good strategies to make group work work except? A) Putting students in groups rather than allowing them to choose the groups themselves. B) Remembering it is always easier to give time than to take it away. C) Assigning group roles yourself. D) Remembering that once group roles are set, you cannot change them, even if it seems like a good idea in your judgment.
D) Remembering that once group roles are set, you cannot change them, even if it seems like a good idea in your judgment.
You are collecting the daily homework assignment and notice that both Suzy and Cindy have not turned in their daily assignments. Suzy always turns in her homework, is on time to class, and participates. After class, she comes up to you and explains that she got home very late from a soccer game and fell asleep. Cindy, however, rarely turns in homework on time, is rude to her peers, and is occasionally late for class. What consequences would you give these 2 students? A) Because they both did not complete the assignment, it is only fair that they both get points taken off for late work B) Because Cindy does not ever turn in homework, any consequence will not a difference. Give Suzy another chance to turn in the homework. C) Because Suzy approached you to explain her situation and this is the first time she has not turned in homework, give her an extra day to complete the assignment. However, because Cindy regularly misses assignments, she does not receive another chances to make up the work
C) Because Suzy approached you to explain her situation and this is the first time she has not turned in homework, give her an extra day to complete the assignment. However, because Cindy regularly misses assignements, she does not recieve another chances to make up the work
A student who feels the need to get out of his or her seat incessantly can find stimulation of movement by rubbing a strip of this, glued underneath his or her desk chair. A) Duct tape B) Fur C) Velcro
C) Velcro
Preston is a very hyperactive 6th grader who cannot ever sit still in class. However, he does have good days and his teacher, Ms. Meadows ;), rewards him for it. She has tried rewarding him with items such as homework passes, pencils, and praise. Which of these rewards is likely to be more helpful in helping Preston fix his behavior? A) Homework passes, because then Preston doesn't have to do his homework B) Pencils, because then Preston will always have something to write with and be prepared with his materials C) Praise, because it will mean a lot to Preston to know that Ms. Meadows noticed his good behavior and that she cares about him
C) Praise, because it will mean a lot to Preston to know that Ms. Meadows noticed his good behavior and that she cares about him
There are four ways to make your students feel like they are a part of developing the rules and consequences. Which of the following is NOT a way to involve your students? A) Students help develop classroom values. B) Students develop rules for the teacher. C) Students vote on negotiable rules. D) Students jump around the classroom making dinosaur noises.
D) Dinosaur noises
Your students are having a tough time turning in homework when you assign it. They have brought excuses to you such as, "I have to take care of my baby brother Mondays and Tuesdays," and, "TEACHER, you knoooow I have football practice on Wednesdays and Thursdays, so I don't have time." What is the best strategy, according to "Discipline with Dignity," to make sure your students can get there homework in and take responsibility of their assignments? A) Allow the students to democratically establish two or three nights a week that you are allowed to assign homework to them. Then when they don't turn it in, you can remind them that they have chosen when they are allowed to be assigned homework so they have no excuses. B) Only give homework one night a week and give them a few days to get it done so that whatever things they had to do that week don't necessarily interfere with homework time. C) Assign short homework assignments that still allow the students to show their knowledge and learning. D) Give the students their assignments online and always allow them time in class to get their homework done so that if the students offer excuses, you can tell them they had the chance to do it in class.
A) Allow the students to democratically establish two or three nights a week that you are allowed to assign homework to them. Then when they don't turn it in, you can remind them that they have chosen when they are allowed to be assigned homework so they have no excuses.
Bobby is always acting out in class. There are days when he sits back and his chair and does nothing. And there are days when he is very vocal, but in a negative manner, screaming when he does not want to do an activity or isn't with his friends during group work. You have tried conferencing, giving him a lead role, contacting his parents, and connecting the material to his own life experiences; however, you have not had any success. What would be your next step? A) While it is never okay to give up on a child, it is important to remember that you will not reach every student. Come to school each day with the mindset that maybe today will be a breakthrough, but do not discouraged when it is not. B) Contact the parents for another conference. Suggest strategies that they can do at home to engage Bobby in the class material. C) Ask Bobby to stay after school a few times a week to conference with you about the issues he is having in class. Ask many questions to try and get to the bottom of his behavioral problems. D) Ask administration to step in. They will know how to handle students who are unresponsive to your attempts to connect to him.
A) While it is never okay to give up on a child, it is important to remember that you will not reach every student. Come to school each day with the mindset that maybe today will be a breakthrough, but do not discouraged when it is not.
What is the percentage of teachers who identified communicating with and involving parents as their most difficult challenge? A) 45% B) 30% C) 60% D) 20%
B) 30%