What percent of travelers prefer to communicate with hotels via digital channels?
What is 70%
What website dominates the global search engine market share with a 92% market share?
What is Google
What allows guests to serve more guests per hour than any other medium?
What is messaging
67% of customers prefer to pay with what while traveling?
What is Credit Card
What hobby has Lindsey recently gotten back into
What is rollerskating
What percentage of bookers never see or navigate the free booking links on google hotel search?
What is 85%
If a hotel can increase its score by how many points the hotel can increase its price by 11.2% and still maintain the same occupancy or market share?
What is 1 point
Consumers report that they would be willing to pay up 14% more for a hotel that offered what?
81% of travelers always or often do this before booking their accommodations
What is Read Reviews
Where is Paige every morning at 5 am?
What is the gym
What percent of consumers said they would typically book directly vs 17% who said they would book via OTA or price comparison websites?
What is 39%
The average accommodation purchase journey lasts how many days and involves 45 touch points across several devices and types of websites?
What is 36 days
58% of all customer interactions globally are now what?
What is digital
75% of travelers are willing to do this for savings and better experience?
What is share personal data
Jay used to be a professional _______
What is mime
What percent of customers would prefer to use online chat before calling a company for support?
What is 53%
40% of consumers won’t do this before bounding to a different website?
What is wait more than 3 minutes
67% of customers say they prioritize convenience over what?
What is Brand
Whistle has helped properties achieve 24% more of this?
What is service recovery opportunities
What is Dean's favorite Fast Food
What is Five Guys
In what percent of cases would a traveler choose a hotel with a higher guest review score over one with a brand name or lower price?
What is 72%
Online bookings will grow significantly, but offline will remain what in the next 3 years?
How many minutes of wait time leads to a 50% decrease in guest satisfaction?
What is 5 minutes
What percent of consumers worldwide are now using contactless payment processing?
What is 79%
Johnny does this on the weekends