Provides a library of educational resources to help make smart financial decisions including a financial coach.
What is Balance?
Simon's first and most popular book, having earned a spot on the New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestseller lists.
What is Start with Why?
Kimberlynn, Charmaine, Heidi, Bailey and Joan (Ann)
Who is your HR department?
Willing, Unwilling, Able, Unable
What are the types of employee behaviors?
Michele, Rob and Jeniffer
Who are our Business Banking team?!
Program that offers a fun, impactful way to learn financial lessons to prepare students for a brighter future, building financial skills one decision at a time.
What is Bite of Reality?
What is Family Medical Leave Act?
Catching the employee doing it right!
What is transactional coaching?
Inputting holidays, inputting PTO, reporting FMLA hours, corrective actions
What are manager's responsibilities?
Deepen your financial knowledge, ask questions, and get personalized advice from a financial literacy expert in a limited space.
What is a Financial Literacy Workshop?
11am of a payroll week
When should timecard be approved?
The employee's opportunity to improve their behaviors
What is effective confrontations?
Lights off, plain cups, recycle, limit paper usage, monitor overtime
What are cost controls?
Budgeting formula for needs, wants and savings.
What is the 50-30-20 rule?
Not Interested, Pass, Please Pursue, Interview set for 05/05/2025, Please Offer
What are notes for perspective employees?
Thank you! Way to Go! Let's hear it for ....... and/or Certificate of Appreciation
What are ways to give recognition?
Develop, communicate, recognize, exhibit leadership and support corporate mission.
What is a manager's responsibilities?
A movie about a man who loses everything during the Great Depression.
What is 'It's a Wonderful Life'?
Complete and correct forms, timely responses, prompt employee counseling and no crazy stuff
What are things preventing HR from jumping off the roof?
Short term goals versus long term development
What is coaching versus mentoring?
An obligation or willingness to accept responsibility for one's actions
What is accountability?