Enrollment & Eligibility
Human Resources
Health, Safety & Nutrition
This assessment must analyze the community capacity to meet the needs of ECEAP children and families in the areas of:  Education.  Medical and dental health.  Nutrition.  Mental health.  Social services. Contractors must use this assessment to develop their:  Philosophy and goals.  Service delivery plan.  Recruitment and enrollment efforts.  Service site locations.
What is A-7 Community Assessment? The Community Assessment must estimate the number of ECEAP-eligible children in the service area and determine the need for future services based on:  Location.  Race/ethnicity, including Native Americans living on and off reservation.  Home language.  Seasonal or migrant farmworker status.  Homelessness.  Developmental delay or disability.
 Income tax forms, W-2 forms or 12 months of pay stubs or pay envelopes.  Leave and Earnings Statements for uniformed services members.  Documentation of public assistance or other benefits.  Child support orders.  A statement of income signed by the employer or parent, if no other documentation of income is available.
What is B-107 Verifying Annual Income? Verification of annual income is required for most ECEAP applicants, except:  Contractors verify the grant amount for children in foster care and those receiving child-only TANF grant.  Contractors do not re-verify income for families of children returning to the same ECEAP Contractor from the previous school year. Under specific circumstances, Contractors may choose to use the previous month’s or current month’s income to determine eligibility, rather than the annual income.  Annual income must first be verified and entered in ELMS.  This choice applies when a family’s current income is significantly decreased from their annual income due to death, divorce, unexpected job loss or similar circumstance.  The reason for this exception must be documented in ELMS.
 Build relationships with families.  Identify family strengths and goals.  Coordinate services for families.  Link families to community resources.  Support family involvement activities.
What is C-9 Family Support Staff Role? An ECEAP family support staff provides comprehensive and integrated family support services to enrolled families (Section F). Contractors must ensure that family support staff maintain flexible hours to provide services when parents are available.
 All requirements in Section D: Health, Safety, and Nutrition.  Confidentiality protocols (A-13).  Classroom health curriculum (E-4, E-5).  Parent education (F-6).
What is D-1 Health and Safety Planning? Contractors must develop a plan, in partnership with their Health Advisory Committee (A-5), to implement and monitor health services.
 Emergency drill records (D- 3).  Inspection records for smoke detectors, fire alarms, fire extinguishers (D-18).  Transportation records including copies of driver’s licenses, vehicle insurance, vehicle daily safety checks, and vehicle inspection reports (D-21).
What is G-5 Health and Safety Documents? Contractors must retain for three years after their completion. Contractors must maintain current:  Child abuse and neglect prevention, detection, and reporting policy and procedure (C-21, C-22, D-3, D-6).Child allergy procedure (D-3).  Disaster plan (D-3).  Exclusion of sick children policy (D-3).  Health and safety inspections for the school year (D-18).  Infectious disease prevention procedures (D-13).  Medication management procedures (D-11).  Pesticide/herbicide management policy (D-6).
 Service delivery plan (A-3).  Community assessment (A-7).  Self-assessment of ECEAP Compliance (A-8).  Program review (A-9).  Complaint resolution (A-10).  Budget.  Program policies.  Recruitment of families (B-100).
What is A-6 Parent Policy Council? The purpose of the Parent Policy Council is to develop parent empowerment and leadership and serve as a communication link between the contractor and ECEAP families. The Council works with the contractor to make decisions about ECEAP administration
 Gross wages or salaries, before taxes and deductions.  Net income from self-employment.  Income received in a regular or periodic manner
What is B-105 Which Income to Count? o Alimony o Annuity payments o Child support o Emergency Assistance cash payments o Foster care grant o Insurance payments that are regular (not one-time) o Retirement or pension payments o Scholarships/grants/fellowships for living expenses o Social Security o Strike benefits o Supplemental Security Income o All TANF grants including “Non-Needy Relative,” “In Loco Parentis” or “Legal Guardianship” grants o Training stipends o Unemployment or Workers Compensation o Veteran’s benefits o Other regular support from an absent family member or someone not living in the household.  Interest and dividends from assets.  For uniformed services members, all entitlements (pay and allowances) reported on Leave and Earnings Statements, except Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH), Basic Allowance for Subsistence (BAS), and Hostile Fire Pay/Imminent Danger Pay (HRP/IDP).  Gambling or lottery winnings.
Persons who volunteer on a weekly or more frequent basis with ECEAP children must:  Obtain a criminal history background clearance.  Obtain a TB test as described in C-2.  Complete training on preventing, identifying, and reporting child abuse and neglect.
What is C-21 Volunteer Training and Background Check? Contractors must ensure that persons who volunteer with children are directly supervised by ECEAP staff at all times. Contractors must plan and implement training for all volunteers on:  Their roles and responsibilities.  Relevant ECEAP Performance Standards and program policies.
Contractors must ensure that all children are immunized or exempt according to Washington State law. Children may attend on a conditional basis when homeless, exempt, or when following a schedule to complete immunizations.
What is D-10 Immunizations?
 Consent forms (D-4).  Enrollment forms.  Health records and tracking (D-5).  Individualized curriculum and guidance plans (E-11).  Individualized Education Program (IEP), when applicable (E-10).  Notes from parent-teacher conferences including child goals (E-12).  Notes from Local Education Agency (LEA) or Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) meetings, when applicable (E-10).  Observations (E-11).  Plans, referrals, and follow-up notes (D-2, E-10).  Screening and assessment results (E-10, E-11).
What is G-7 Child Records? Contractors must retain these records for each child while they are in ECEAP and for one year after the child leaves ECEAP.