An “open” resource means _____
The resource can be used, modified, and remixed by anyone
Proficient technology-oriented teachers should learn to combine these two different approaches to integration
Directed and constructivist
This activity would not require a teacher to use their personal rationale for educational technology
To review and understand school-related acceptable use policy
If a social studies teacher wanted to poll students anonymously about their opinions on a local issue, they might use this tool to gather their data
Online survey tool
This is a distinguishing feature of instructional software
It has pre-programmed curricular material
Students are programming this when they develop a computer-generated environment in which a real-life scene is overlaid with computer-generated information
Augmented reality (AR)
This classification of assistive technology would be assigned when a student is given a powered wheelchair as a technology solution to a need
When students download copies of marketed software or media without paying for them, it is called _____
Showing video-based problems that students solve through small group work is a typical technology integration strategy based on these learning models
As a connected educator, it is never possible to post this information of your students in your social media activity because of confidentiality
Names, pictures
This software permits creating, viewing, and sending these types of documents, abbreviated PDF, [as images] so they appear in the format in which they were created (retain original formatting)
Portable Document Format
This is not a quality to look for in well-developed tutorial software
Various answer formats
Both teachers and students can create these to make a visual record their skill development over time
Digital portfolio
This classification of assistive technology would be assigned to the strategy of teaching a person to use his or her body in a different manner to minimize the impact of an impairment
The United Nations organization UNESCO collaborated with industry partners to create which framework that focuses on skills that teachers require to bring about human capacity development
ICT Competency Framework
This learning theorist would help inform directed technology integration strategies
This term is used to describe the information that exists about an individual based on their online activity
Digital footprint
A teacher would choose this kind of software tool in order to develop assessments from a test item bank
Test generator
This integration guideline is appropriate for drill and practice programs
Use only after teaching the concepts
This type of software permits a user to record video of what is occurring on the computer along with typed and cursor actions in order to create a lesson
This kind of technology resource is useful for students who are unable to write by hand, who have illegible handwriting, or who find handwriting extremely tedious
Voice recognition software
This condition exists when there are discrepancies in digital access or digital educational opportunities among groups of people with different socioeconomic, race, or gender distributions
Digital inequity (digital divide)
This type of data collection would not help determine if a technology integration strategy worked well
Response statistics
Preservice teachers have reported using Twitter offers this benefit
Resource sharing with fellow educators
This configuration of computing devices can support flipped/inverted pedagogy
One-to-one computing
These two kinds of software are designed primarily for use by individuals rather than by groups of students
Tutorials and drills
This activity describes students who design, tinker, experiment, and ultimately create physical objects
This computer-generated process allows students to hear what they have written
Speech synthesis
They championed an early educational technology emphasis on using computer programming languages such as Logo to teach problem solving
Seymour Papert
This learning theorists offered principles that could help inform constructivist technology integration strategies
These three mindsets are crucial for teacher leadership
Community, agency, and creativity
This is an accepted design criterion for writing and publishing digital documents
Avoid overuse of type styles
This is a typical classroom application for instructional games
To encourage playful learning
If a student is creating within Minecraft or Sims, they are designing and making these types of computer programming products
Virtual worlds
This framework proposed by Chen, Dai, and Zhou (2013) for how technology can be integrated into education for gifted students is based on these three kinds of strategies
Enabling, enhancing, and transforming
If a student represents materials they found online as their own work, this is occurring
Plagiarism / cybercheating
This is the last step of the TTIPP model
Share the lesson with others
Of the following activities, this is not considered part of the text's definition of teacher leadership
Doing assigned leadership activities
This feature of modern productivity tools makes it possible for files created in one software product to be opened in another software product
File-exchange compatibility
This is not a benefit offered by simulations
Offers alternate instruction
This is the first step when designing and creating a web page or website
Review existing websites
This technology-based strategy is often used with children with severe cognitive disabilities in which learners watch a video of a person completing a behavior, try imitating the behavior while being videoed themselves, and then watch their video to get feedback on their own behavior
Video self-monitoring