Who are stakeholders and why are they important?
Are important because they help/are involved in shaping the education experience for students
Are students, parents, teachers. administrators, local/state governments, education specialists, and national government
What is the IDEA Act and why is it significant for understanding special education?
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA Act)
Is a federal law that guarantees free, appropriate public education (FAPE) to students with disabilities.
Outlines the rights of students with disabilities and sets clear guidelines for implementing IEPs, ensuring that students receive the necessary support to succeed in their education environment.
What does the term IDEA stand for and how does it relate to education?
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
Provides funding for states and schools to support students with disabilities
What are schools obligated to do when a student meets the disability requirements outlined in the IDEA law?
Prepare and implement an IEP designed to meet the needs of the child
Why is the American Disability Act (ADA) important in the educational setting?
Prohibits discrimination against individuals based on disability
Promotes equal access and participation in programs/services
What is Section 504 and how does it directly impact special education students?
Part of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
Guarantees children with disabilities have the right to access education through appropriate accommodations
Where are students referred next when they do not demonstrate progress with the tier intervention process?
Students are referred to special education services
What is the process for referring students for SpEd Testing?
Step 1: Teacher intervention for 30 days
Step 2: Child Study team meeting
Step 3: Teacher intervention for 30 days
Step 4: The process is ended if the intervention worked
Step 5: If it does not work, there is a MET meeting
Step 5: Student tested within 30 days
Step 6: If a student qualifies, IEP within 30 days
What is the difference between IFSP and IEP?
IFSP revolves around the family, while the IEP revolves around the student
How are IEP goals Developed to ensure they are both measurable and tailored to the unique needs of each student?
Goals must be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Timely)
Plan for how the school will support students and remove barriers for students with a disability