Expressing Feelings
Blue Zone
Green Zone
Yellow Zone
Red Zone

T or F:  Your should keep all of your emotions bottled up inside?

FALSE..... you might  explode if you do that!


T or F : Everyone has a Bad day Sometimes?



The green zone is the healthiest zone to be in



T or F:  Everyone worries sometimes?



T or F:  Everyone gets Angry some times



Express both __________ and ___________ feelings

(hint.... + and - )

Positive and Negative


"Look on the ________ side of things"



Look for the _________ in Everyday.



When we are worried and Afraid at the same time ,it is called ____________

Anxiety or stressed


_____________ is not an appropriate positive way to deal with anger

Screaming or yelling


List three ways to express your feelings in a healthy way.

talking about it 

write it down

draw a picture


list three things you can do to help you forget about the things that are pulling you off tract

focus on your work

talk to someone

find a quiet place to think ( positively) 

"start the day over"(imagine a new starting point,and leave the bad stuff behind)


List three emotions in the Green Zone

*calm                      * ready to learn

*happy                    * proud

*okay                     *  good


list three ways to Self -Regulate

breathe (star or hand breathing)

go for a walk

talk to someone you trust

positive thinking

Take a break

Squeeze a stress ball

Count to ten


List three things you can do to control your anger

Take a DEEP breath

count to ten

tell yourself to stay calm

take a break

share your feelings

try to find a solution to the situation


what should you do?

         Your Mom asks you how your day was... what should you say

" My day was ____________


That made me feel__________


What should you do?

       Your are going to miss your best Friends Birthday party because you are going on a family vacation. This makes you feel really sad.  What should you do?

talk to your parents and tell them that you are disappointed that you re missing the party

take a deep breath and realise that you will still be having fun with your family

take your best friend a present anyways


what should you do?

You just made a stress ball ( to help you stay in the green zone) with your favorite DEN teacher, Ms. Carly. What should you do with it?

Gently squeeze , toss, or roll when you are feeling upset

keep it in a safe place


What should you do?

     You look at the test in front of you and your mind goes blank and you start to panic.... what should you do?

remember to breathe

focus on one question at the a time

Positive self talk because you studied last night

" I will try my best"


what should you do?

      Your mom/dad promised to take you to the  Mall to buy some new shoes. Later your mom/dad said they couldn't go because your brother/sister was sick. You are angry because you don't get to go shopping now.  what should you do?

tell your parents in a calm voice that you are upset that you can't go

realise that plans change but make a plan to go shopping again later

help your parents take care of your sick brother/sister


what should you  NOT do?

         Your Mom asks you how your day was... what should you  NOT say?

Good..... bad..... Boring


What should you do?

       Your are going to miss your best Friends Birthday party because you are going on a family vacation. This makes you feel really sad.  What should you do?

cry and cry and  cry  and refuse to go on the family vacation

have negative thoughts or say mean things to your family 


what should you NOT do?

You just made a stress ball ( to help you stay in the green zone) with your favorite DEN teacher, Ms. Carly. What should you NOT do with it?

throw it at someone

test your strength and pop it

turn it into a distraction

lose it


What should you  NOT do?

     You look at the test in front of you and your mind goes blank and you start to panic.... what should you NOT do?

start hyperventilating / crying / yelling

Negative talk/thinking

refuse to take the test


what should you NOT do?

      Your mom/dad promised to take you to the  Mall to buy some new shoes. Later your mom/dad said they couldn't go because your brother/sister was sick. You are angry because you don't get to go shopping now.  what should you NOT do?

throw a crying fit on the floor because you can't go anymore

yell at your parents for breaking a promise

scream at your brother/sister because they ruined your plans
