the value customers sacrifice to benefit from receiving and using a good or service
where and how a company delivers a product to consumers
any type of marketing communication used to inform target audiences of the relative merits of a product, service, brand or issue, persuasively
The producer's Object or Service
the money a company earns from the sale of its products and services
the amount of money a company earns when the revenue brought in is more than the cost of the resources spent
the potential for failures or losses
The success and achievement/positive outcomes
Niche Marketing
a highly targeted form of advertisement.
Mass Marketing
a form of advertising that uses mass media such as television, radio, newspapers, and magazines for distribution.
Target Marketing
a specific group of potential customers who a business aims to reach with its products or services.
something new, such as an invention, or the practice of developing and introducing new things.
someone who starts or owns a business.
individuals who are tasked with creating new and innovative products within an already-established business
Supply Chain
the sequence of processes involved in the production and distribution of a commodity.
Distribution Channel
a chain of businesses or intermediaries through which the final buyer purchases a good or service. (wholesalers, retailers, distributors, and the Internet.)