Poverty resulting from the loss of a job, illness, death, divorce, etc.
What is situational poverty?
Long hours and difficult working conditions.
Why do teachers leave?
A relationship that involves close cooperation between people who have joint rights and responsibilities.
What is a partnership?
Values & norms that organize a group of people; defines characteristics & behaviors as appropriate or inappropriate.
What is culture?
What number is the Energy Bus?
What is the #1 barrier for educators?
Students and families are collaborators in the educational process.
What is the collaboration paradigm?
Both parents and educators have a goal of success for students.
What is mutuality of interaction?
Not obvious by outward signs, requires more observation or contact to understand. Ex: communication styles, behaviors.
What is covert?
What is the big project George, and his team were working on?
1. Social and linguistic practices
2. Historical bodies of knowledge
What are funds of knowledge?
•Under resourced schools
•Poorer facilities
•Less qualified teachers
What are the 3 key points of hyper-segregated schools?
Belief systems, values and general cognitive structure and meanings.
What is school culture?
Culturally diverse children must embrace the norms of the dominant culture to achieve personal and professional goals.
What is cultural assimilation?
Fuel Your Ride with Positive Energy.
What is rule #3 of The Energy Bus?
1 in 5
How many children live in poverty?
A system in which the talented are chosen and move ahead on the basis of their achievement.
What is Meritocracy?
The way people tend to view others (people or nature) that are dissimilar and separated, devalued.
What is culturally marginalized?
Family homework activities to connect home and school cultures drawing on family experiences (funds of knowledge).
What is the Child Development Project?
Who is the keeper of rules on the Energy Bus?
Higher reading achievement, and social competence leading to lower drop-out rates and greater on-time graduation.
What are the benefits of connecting with families?
The main goal of this act is to ensure that all children receive a high-quality education in public schools.
What is the "Every Student Succeeds Act?"
•Reaching out and sharing about oneself.
•Valuing and affirming that the family is an expert of their child.
•Involving the family as significant participants in the child’s learning.
What are dyadic strategies?
The awareness of cultural differences. Recognizing that the way we act and what we believe can be different than how other people act and believe.
What is cultural reciprocity?
Sharing a "positive, powerful, and contagious energy with your co-workers, employees, and customers"
What is a Chief Energy Officer?