This is the scientific name for the should blade
what is the scapula
This muscle is responsible for elbow flexion
biceps brachii
refers to the movement of a body part away from the midline of the body
is measured by the number of times the heart contracts in 1 min
heart rate
The definition of Aerobic is
with oxygen
This bone is located on the "thumb side" of the forearm
what is the radius
This muscle is responsible for forearm extensin
triceps brachii
Refers to an increase of joint angle of a body part away from the body
Refers to the body’s ability to produce a maximal 1RM
RMR stands for
Resting Metabolic Rate
The spine contains this many thoracic vertebrae
This muscle is prime mover during upper limb horizontal Adduction
pectoralis major
This is the plane that dissects the body into left and right sections
The rate of performing work, often expressed as either work divided by time or force times velocity
All of the following skin fold sites are appropriate for performing a three-site skin fold for a 45 year old male EXCEPT
This is the non-weight bearing bone in the shin
what is the fibula
This muscle is located in the abdomen and is responsible for trunk stabilization during many S&C movements
rectus abdominus
This is the plane that dissects the body into top and bottom sections
Refers to the body’s ability to produce work over a prolonged period of
These are the major antagonist muscles during one repetition of a lat pull down
Pectoralis Major, Tricep brachii
This bone supports the cranium and rotates around the axis
what is the atlas
This muscle is responsible for knee extension and hip flexion
what is the rectus femoris
This movement refers to the raising of the toe toward the head
This type of weight training refers to a muscle contracting against an immovable object at a fixed weight. During this weight-training program, there is no change in the angle of the joint, thus any strength increases occur only at the joint angle being stressed
These are the major agonist muscles used during one repetition of a bench press.
Pectoralis Major, Tricep brachii