Schedules of Reinforcement
Reinforcement & Punishment
Problem Solving, Decision Making & Heuristics
At the beginning of the semester, your instructor announces that there will be a test every two weeks. What schedule of reinforcement is being used?
What is Fixed Interval
Feeling sorry for a hitchhiker on the side of the road, Howard offered him a ride. The hitchhiker robbed Howard and stole his car. Howard no longer picks up hitchhikers because of ___________________.
What is Punishment by Removal OR Negative Punishment
A process that produces a relatively enduring change in behavior or knowledge as a result of past experience.
What is Learning
Laura lost the correct combination code to a lock. To find the answer, she goes through every possible combination starting at 0-0-0 followed by 0-0-1 and so forth until she finds the correct combination. Identify the problem solving technique.
What is Algorithm
What are the 2 types of intuition?
What are the Guided Stage and the Integrative Stage.
A data entry clerk is paid $1 for every 100 correct accounting entries made on the computer. What schedule of reinforcement is being used?
What is Fixed Ratio
When Joan turns the grocery cart down the candy aisle, her 3 year-old son, Connor, starts screaming "Want Candy! Candy!" Joan moves to another aisle, but Connor continues to scream. As other shoppers begin staring and Joan starts to feel embarrassed, she finally gives Connor a bag of M&M's. Connor is now more likely to scream in a store when he wants candy because he has experienced ________________.
What is Positive Reinforcement
The manipulation of mental representations of information in order to draw inferences and conclusions.
What is Thinking.
After seeing news reports about a teenager being killed in a freak accident on a roller coaster, Angela refuses to allow her son to go to the amusement park with his friends. What term best describes this problem solving process?
What is Availability Heuristic
What are 3 heuristic strategies for problem solving?
What are Subgoals, Working Backwards, and Flexibility
Miguel works 40 hours per week in an office and gets paid every Friday afternoon. What schedule of reinforcement is being used?
What is Fixed Interval
Jacob is caught surfing inappropriate websites on the computer in his office and gets reprimanded by his boss. Jacob no longer accesses X-rated websites on his office computer because of __________________.
What is Positive Punishment or Punishment by Application
A mental category that is formed by learning the rules or features that define it.
What is Formal Concept
One by one, Professor Goldstein tries each key on his keychain until she finds the one that opens the locked filing cabinet. Identify the problem-solving technique.
What is Trial and Error
What are the 3 models of decision-making?
What are the Single-Feature Model, the Additive Model, and the Elimination by Aspects Model
On average, the campus shuttle bus passes the library once every hour. What schedule of reinforcement is demonstrated here?
What is Variable Interval
Thinking she was making a good impression in her new job by showing how knowledgeable she was, Tanya corrected her supervisor's erroneous comments in 2 different meetings. Not long after the 2nd meeting, Tanya was "let go" because of her bad attitude. Because she experienced ________________, Tanya no longer publicly corrects her superiors.
What is Negative Punishment or Punishment by Removal
A mental category that is formed as a result of everyday experience.
What is Natural Concept
Jack, who works as a bank teller, is stunned when a well-dressed, elderly woman pulls out a gun and tells him to hand over all of the money in his cash drawer. Which problem solving method describes why he is 'stunned'?
What is Representative Heuristic
The basic learning process that involves repeatedly pairing a neutral stimulus with a response-producing stimulus until the neutral stimulus elicits the same response. Name the learning process & the Psychologist associated.
What are Classical Conditioning; Ivan Pavlov
At the beginning of the new term, your instructor announces there will be 5 surprise quizzes over the course of the semester. What schedule of reinforcement is being used?
What is Variable Ratio
As you walk out of the shoe store at the mall, you spot a person whom you greatly dislike. You immediately duck back into the show store to avoid an unpleasant interaction with them. Because _____________ has occurred, you are more likely to take evasive action when you encounter people you dislike in the future.
What is Negative Reinforcement
In learning theory, the idea that an organism is innately predisposed to form association between certain stimuli and responses.
What is Biological Preparedness
What are 2 obstacles to solving problems?
What is Functional Fixedness and Mental Set
The basic learning process that involves changing the probability that a response will be repeated by manipulating the consequences of that response. Name the learning process & the Psychologist associated.
What are Operant Conditioning; B.F. Skinner