Type of fracture that breaks through the skin?
Compound fracture
Name the 4 chambers of the heart discussed in class?
Right/Left Atrium
Right/Left Ventricle
Muscle on the outer part of the hip that helps stabilize hip and prevent knee injuries is called?
Gluteus Medius
Confidence to make responsible and safe choices. Strong sense of independence?
3rd stage of grief: Promising to make a change if the person could return
Connects a bone to a bone?
______ carry blood away from the heart?
List 3 prevention strategies for reducing the chance of cardiovascular disease?
Physical activity
Don't smoke or drink alcohol
Maintain cholesterol
Control blood pressure
Manage stress
1st Stage of grief?
What is the name of the shoulder blade?
Inherited bleeding disorder in which the blood does not clot normally
Diagnostic or screening test that measures the electrical activity of the heart?
__________ is a category of stress that includes negative reactions in body and mind caused by alcohol, tobacco, drugs, or lack of physical activity.
Personal Behavior
2nd stage of grieving that results in feeling powerless or deprived?
Muscle that flexes the knee (Consists of 3 tendons) and is on the back side of the leg?
List 3 signs of a heart attack?
Cyanosis-Blue skin/lips
Chest Pain
Radiating pain in left shoulder
Shortness of Breath
Knowing the signs and symptoms of a heart attack could potentially save someone's life. Why would someone experiencing a heart attack have blue lips?
Lack of oxygen in the blood supply
What is the term for positive stress?
3rd stage of stress where the body loses its ability to adapt to the demands or situation?
Name both forearm and shin bones?
Forearm: Radius and Ulna
Shin: Tibia and Fibula
Procedure where healthy blood vessel is removed from leg, arm or chest and blood vessel is used to create new blood flow path in your heart
Bypass surgery
As discussed in class, what is the normal range for blood pressure at rest?
Defined as: “The ability to accept yourself and others, adapt to and manage emotions, and deal with the demands and challenges you meet in life”.
Mental Health
1. Alarm
2. Resistance