Ways to promote cognitive learning
Discussion - one on one or group setting
Qand A
Role playing
Teaching infants and toddlers
Infants- hold them, smile, routines, touch textures
Toddlers- Play teach, picture books, simple words
Purpose of medical record
Communication, reimbursement, research, legal documentation, education, auditing/monitoring.
What is therapeutic communication?
Active Listening, Using touch and silence, Empathy, Hope, Humor.
Stages in GAS- General Adaptive Syndrome
Alarm- Flight or fight
Affective learning is done by?
Role play, Discussion -1on1 or group
Teaching Preschoolers and school age children
Preschoolers-role play, imitation, encourage questions, pictures
School Age- Teach psychomotor skills, offer opportunities to discuss
Quailty documentation
Facts, short sentences, no abrehavtions, simple short words.
Factual, accurate, complete, current and organized (FACCO)
The two types of Loss and the the ones that fall underneath them
Actual Loss
Necessary loss- Aging, dying of old age
Maturational Loss- comes from life experiences, sending kid to college, separation anxiety
Situational loss- Sudden unpredictable external event.- Loss of limb
Perceived loss- Uniquely defined by the person.
Excessive wear and tear on bodily organs
Allostic load
Psychomotor learning:
Manual or physical skills , Demonstration, practice, return demonstation.
Teaching adolecents, young or middle adults
Adolescents: learn about feelings, self expression, use teaching as collabrative activity, allow them to make decsions.
Young/Middle Adult- Encourage particpation in teaching plan, encourage independent learning,
Types of Documentation
Narrative- traditional. POMR- problem orientated: Database, problem list, care plan, Progress note. SOAP: subjective, objective, assement and plan. SOAPIE: Subjective, objective, assessment, plan, intervention, evaluation. PIE: problem, intervention, evaluation. DAR- Focus Charting: Data, Action, Response
4 types of Grief
Normal Grief
Anticpitory Grief- Before the actual death, prolonged death
Disenfranchised- a person can't share grief
Complicated Grief
3 types of Crisis
Maturation/Development- Birth or marriage
Situational- Job change, Car accident
Adventitious- a major disaster, crime of violence
Teaching Approches:
Telling- limited time for teaching
Partcipating- Objectives, goals, discussion
Entrusting- Patient has oppourtunity to manage
Reinforcing- Requires use of stimli
Teaching Older Adult
Teach when PT is alert, rested, involve them in disucssion, focus on wellness and strenghts, keep teaching short.
The Five types of Communication
Interpersonal- One on one
Intrapersonal- Within Self
Transpersonal- Withing person spirtual domain
Small Group
Types Complicated Grief
Chronic- normal response that lasts longer than usual
Exaggerated- Self destructive, behavior, suicided risk
Delayed Greif- Delayed because death is so overwhelming
Masked Greif- behave in a way that interferes with normal function.
Factors influencing stress and coping
Situational, maturnational, SES
Instructional Teaching:
One on One, Group, Prepetory instruction, Demonstation, Analogies, Role playing, Simulation, Teach back
Why do we Document?
ensure continuty of care, saves time, minimizes risk of errors
Circular Transaction model
Referant- motivates one another to speak
Sender and Reciver- encodes, decodes
Message- content
Channels- Meaning of messages
Feedback- Message reciver returns
Interpersonal varibles- factors that influence
Enviroment- the setting for the sender.
Influences of Loss and Grief
EGO DEFENSE MECHANISM: lack one attribute to make up for it by over compensating on another.
Unconsially repressing anxiety provoking conflict
Avoiding emotional conflicts
Compensation, Conversion, denial