List 3 common symptoms of meningitis
Stiff neck, headache, Chills, fever, Photophobia, Mental status changes, N/V
List at least 3 things that can occur from acute liver failure.
Ascites, portal hypertension, low albumin production, jaundice, waste buildup, Esophageal varices (causes projectile vomit of bright red blood if rupture), decreased clotting factors
What is atelectasis?
Collapse of the alveoli or incomplete alveolar expansion, often from surfactant loss
List at least 3 symptoms of hypothyroidism
(think all is slowing down, like a sloth)
Constipation, bradycardia, fatigue, weight gain, sluggishness, depression
Exists after the removal of a body part. Can be extremely distressing but usually resolves with time. What kind of pain is this?
Phantom pain
What is epilepsy? What precautions should the nurse implement for an epileptic patient in the hospital?
Epilepsy is a seizure disorder resulting from spontaneous firing of abnormal neurons; characterized by recurrent seizures.
Seizure precautions: pad bed rails, bed in lowest position, suction and O2 at bedside, limit stimuli, prepare to turn patient to side if seizure starts, do not put anything in their mouth during seizure
A GI bleed may cause hematemesis, melena, or hematochezia. Explain what these three symptoms are.
-hematemesis: vomiting blood, may be bright red or coffee ground looking (showing it was partially digested and came from lower in GI tract)
-melena: black tarry stool, usually from upper GI bleeding, blood was partially digested
-hematochezia: bright red / frank blood in stool, usually from lower GI bleeding
This lung infection often occurs after a strep or influenza infection. It can be viral, bacterial, or from aspiration. A chest x-ray is a good way to diagnose. What is it?
What side of the heart is the problem in a patient with heart failure causing shortness of breath, a cough, and fatigue?
Left sided HF
This type of diabetes is when the beta cells in islands of langerhans don’t work anymore, causing the body to stop producing insulin.
Type 1 DM
What is decorticate posturing and what does indicate?
Decorticate= Abnormal rigid flexion of body, Stiff bent arms folded against chest, Clenched fists, Internally rotated legs but extended straight, Feet turned inward
Indicates severely increased ICP, close to death if don’t intervene to relieve pressure soon
A patient is diagnosed with cholilithiasis. What is the common term for this disorder? Where in the abdomen will the patient likley experience the most pain?
AKA Gallstones
Causes pain in upper right abdomen
What respiratory diagnosis do you expect when a client comes in reporting recent travel overseas, a productive cough, hemoptysis, night sweats, fever, chills, fatigue, unexplained weight loss, and anorexia?
Tuberculosis (TB)
This is a loss of articular cartilage from wear and tear / overuse of joints. It is usually unilateral and is not an inflammatory disease.
List 3 risk factors for deceloping pressure ulcers. What would you stage a pressure injury that you can see the bone in?
Friction, sheer, moisture, malnutrition, unrelieved pressure, immobility
Stage 4 / IV
What is a hemorrhagic CVA? What symptom does it often cause which leads to N/V and loss of consciousness
the most fatal type of stroke, when a cerebral vessel ruptures causes bleeding in the brain- can cause increased ICP (intracranial pressure)
A patient is diagnosed with GERD. List at least 2 priority teaching points for them.
List at least 3 risk factors for asthma.
Family history, Allergies, Viral respiratory infections, Occupational exposures, Smoking, Air Pollution, Obesity
What is the cause of pernicious anemia?
Pernicious anemia is caused by a lack of intrinsic factor so you can’t absorb vitamin B12. B12 is needed for DNA synthesis.
How would you stage a burn that is red, blanchable, has blisters, and is painful?
Stage 2 (blisters indicate this stage)
What disorder causes a masked face, tremors, shuffeling gait, dementia, and speech difficulty? What neurotransmitter is lacking that causes this disorder?
Parkinson's disease, caused by lack of dopamine in the brain
Diffentiate between functional and mechanical bowel obstructions
functional is from neurologic problem like paralysis of bowels (ex: post op bowels asleep from anesthesia), mechanical is from things like a physical blockage (ex fecal impaction)
What two disorders make up COPD? What is the biggest risk factor for developing COPD?
Chronic bronchitis and emphysema, the patient can have both or only one of these to be considered to have COPD. Smoking is the biggest risk factor.
A patient has swollen painless lymph nodes, a cough, unintentional weight loss, persistent fever, night sweats, and recurrent infections. What cancer do you suspect they have? How will you test for it (what are you looking for in the test?)
Most likely Lymphoma -- if there are Reed Sternberg cells in the lymph node biopsy it is Hodgkin lymphoma. If there are no Reed Sternberg cells, it is non-hodgkin lymphoma.
List the biggest concern with K+ imbalance and Na+ imbalances (what body system do both impact most).
K+ causes cardiac issues -- get an EKG
Na+ causes neuro problems like seizures