You should make this person aware if you have any starts after 4pm
Who is the YOUR FOA?!
When a producer needs to submit a finish this person is contacted
Who is the TEA?
When a client wants medical done, we need this completed.
What is an OMEQ?
This is required in ACT to send a contractor to work
What is an orange or green star?
Created because of the volume of rejected ESFs
What is the ESF Chat Bot?
When someone is moved to started mistakenly, you should let this person know before they start them in the system
Who is the TEA?
When a new Employment Agreement is needed for someone who has not started, this person submits the form
Who is the FOA?
A form that requires every question related to the state of the client answered, dated, and signed from both the AM and client
What is an Exhibit B?
When Rose is covering for Malka, this is required for her to receive ACT comments
What is tagging the FOA?
This item auto populates if the contractor is a rehire, and will need to be reentered in the notes if different from the original
What is the email address?
Doing this will help FOAs make sure people that start are compliant the day of
What is moving people to started THE SAME DAY THEY START!!!
When a new Employment Agreement is needed for someone who has started, this person submits the form
Who is the Producer?
This section let’s your FOA know if it is a Pre-Employment Account
What are the Compliance Requirements?
The Process Status for someone who finished paperwork
What is Submitted for Review?
This part of the ESF is entered manually by the producer, but cannot be double checked by the FOA for accuracy before sending paperwork
What is the Billing Info?
When creating the req, this needs to be associated with the correct office, regardless of where the AM sits
What is the Req-Office ID?
When a contractor reaches out to someone for Sick PTO, this person submits the case
Who is the initial contact?
This section let’s your FOA know if it is a National or SS&O Account
What is the Client Information?
The Process Status for someone who has compliance running, but PW not completed
What is Pre-Screen Submitted?
The drug test zip code, a person’s nickname, and different speaking language have this in common
What is Required in the notes if applicable?
This will stop your contractor from starting in the system, even if you move them to Started in Connected
What is incomplete paperwork?
When a contractor reaches out to someone for missing pay, this person submits the case
Who is the initial contact?
This commonly keeps a CRG inactive for previous clients
What is completing the reactivation process in Salesforce/Connected?
The Process Status for someone who started the PW, but did not finish
What is Employment Agreement?
The correct Client ID and Shift number (if in New Jersey) have this in common
What is always required in the notes?