5 tree species
5 wildlife species
5 wildlife species
Is the leading commercial timber species in the southern United States. It is a medium to large tree 90-110 feet in height and 24 to 30 inches in diameter. The bole is long and cylindrical and the crown, though open, is denser than longleaf or slash pines. It can be found on a very wide variety of sites but make its best growth on those soils with deep surface layers having plenty of moisture but poor surface drainage, and fine textured subsoils. On favorable sites growth can be rapid. It is intolerant of shade, though not as much so as slash and longleaf pines. Is a major source of lumber and provides a large percentage of the wood pulp used for paper production in the South.
What is loblolly pine
are a valuable natural, recreational, and economic resource in Georgia, bringing in more than $800 million per year in hunting license fees, sporting equipment sales, food and land leases. However, deer densities in some localized areas have the potential to inflict significant damage to forestry, agricultural or horticultural crops, home gardens, and shrubbery. But because deer are important both biologically and economically, management of their numbers requires consideration on numerous levels.
What is deer
are at home in either fast or slow current, but in Georgia streams, they tend to reside in the faster, more shallow sections of a stream while the other species live in the slower sections. Bronzebacks tend to rest in deeper pools and move into shoal areas to feed, so the best areas will contain shoals and pools. Cover is important, too, especially in the form of downed trees and boulders. Smallmouth feed primarily on crawfish and small baitfish, so anything that resembles these staples works well. Light to medium spinning or fly fishing tackle works well for Georgia smallies and smaller lures tend to be productive.
What is small mouthed bass
is one of Georgia's largest natural resources. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, more than 8 million metric tons of_____ are mined from Georgia each year, with an estimated value of more than $1 billion. Georgia is by far the leading clay-producing state in America and is recognized as a world leader in the mining, production, processing, and application of _______products. The word and is derived from the name of the Chinese town Kao-Ling (or Gaoling, "high ridge"), located in the Jiangxi Province of southeast China, where the written description of porcelain can be found. _____is a term used to refer to white clayey rock that is predominantly composed of _______ group (khandite) minerals. Georgia is by far the leading clay-producing state in America and is recognized as a world leader in the mining, production, processing, and application of ________products. The word _______ is now used as a loose trade and geologic term to refer to white clayey rock that is predominantly composed of______Group (khandite) minerals.
What is kaolin
grows naturally in the mountains, piedmont, and upper coastal plain. It reaches an average height of 80-100 feet and 2-3 feet in diameter. It has a clear, well-formed bole, and a small narrowly pyramidal crown. It is generally found on dry upland soils which are neither highly acidic nor strongly alkaline. The species may be less tolerant than loblolly pine, but young trees will endure suppression for many years and yet respond quickly to release. It is considered slower growing than the other southern pines, and is generally disfavored where other pines are well adapted. It is the most common species regenerated in the northern and western parts of its range and is a valuable timber and pulp species. Its seeds are eaten by squirrels and birds
What is shortleaf pine
is Georgia's official state marine mammal. It was so designated because the only known calving grounds for the species lie within fifteen miles of the Georgia and north Florida coastline. The North Atlantic right whale is also the world's most endangered large whale, with fewer than 350 individuals remaining. Scientists estimate that unless threats from ship strikes and fishing-gear entanglements can be substantially reduced, the species will become extinct within 200 years.
What is north atlantic right whale
is also not native to Georgia and originates from the Pacific coast of the United States. It has a prominent pink-red horizontal stripe on each side of a silvery body and small black dots throughout the body that extend into the caudal fin. Important for food and fishing
What is rainbow trout
a metamorphosed limestone prized for its hardness and variety, is quarried in north Georgia near Tate, in Pickens County. This ______ has been used extensively for gravestones and in buildings throughout the United States, including the U.S. Capitol. Sixty percent of the monuments in Washington, D.C., in fact, are made from Georgia _____. The earliest known use of Georgia _______ dates to 1400, when effigies, bowls, projectile points, and other necessities were carved out of native ______. These early artifacts, found in Pickens County, are part of the permanent exhibit at the Etowah Mounds near Cartersville.
What is marble
is perhaps the most distinctive of the southern yellow pines. Its long, clear bole, open crown, long needles clustered at the ends of the branchlets, and large silvery buds identify longleaf from a distance. It is a medium to large tree, 80-120 feet in height and 24-30 inches in diameter. It grows best on deep, well-drained, acid, sandy soils, although it can tolerate a variety of sites. It is very intolerant of shade. Its first few years are characterized by little or no above ground growth. A dense tuft of needles is all that appears above the soil surface. This "grass stage" continues until the root system is sufficiently established to support rapid above ground growth. Trees in the grass stage are surprisingly resistant to fire damage, as are the thick-barked mature trees. Longleaf produces valuable lumber and is one of the two species with major roles in the naval stores industry.
What is longleaf pine
is the only member of the order Sirenia that lives in the United States. Large seal-shaped creatures with flippers as forelimbs and paddle-like rounded tails, manatees average 10 feet in length and 1,000 - 2,500 in weight as adults. These slow-moving creatures, also known as "sea cows." spend most of their time eating, resting or traveling in the rivers, estuaries, saltwater bays, creeks and canals along the coast.
What is manatee
is the largest gallinaceous bird in North America. However, due to unregulated hunting and habitat loss caused by forest clearing, and were almost extirpated from Georgia by the early 1900s. As forests regenerated after the great depression, available wild turkey habitat increased. Implementation of conservation laws, advances in wildlife science, and funding for wildlife restoration programs all played a role in the come back of the eastern turkey.
What is wild turkey
Leaves deciduous in autumn, 5 to 9 inches long, 2 to 4 inches wide, deeply divided by 7 to 11 finger-like,rounded lobes, light green and smooth above, pale and smooth below. Fruit an oblong, shiny acorn, about 3/4 inch long,green when fully grown, becoming light, chestnut brown, in a deep, saucer-shaped cup; maturing in one season; kernel not bitter. Bark light gray, ridged or flaky. A tree 80 to 100 feet high with a trunk 3 to 4 feet in diameter, tall and naked in the forest, short in the open and terminating in a broad, rounded head of spreading branches. One of the most valuable hardwoods. Used for furniture, millwork, tight cooperage, veneer, car construction, crossties, handles, agriculture implements, fence posts, fuel.
What is white oak
is found in Georgia’s coastal waters year-round and nests on barrier island beaches. In accordance with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and NOAA Marine Fisheries Service recovery plan for loggerheads, Georgia DNR management efforts focus on surveying and protecting loggerhead nests and managing nesting beach habitat. DNR coordinates the Georgia Sea Turtle Cooperative, a group of volunteers, researchers and government employees that conducts nest protection and management activities on Georgia beaches
What is logger head turtle
this type of hunting is very popular in Georgia. The mourning dove is the migratory game bird in Georgia. Federal and state laws prohibit hunting migratory game birds over baited areas. Find out how to legally attract and hunt e most hunted migratory game bird in the state.
What is dove
They grow very well in the acidic red clay soil found in most of the region. The species include Loblolly, longleaf, shortleaf, and slash pines. It typically has a density value between 50–55 lbs/cubic foot when pressure treated. Dimensional lumber and plywood products manufactured from southern yellow pine are used extensively in home construction in the United States. They are also used for wooden roller coasters.
What is southern yellow pine
are the crown jewel of the lower Etowah River! Striper fishing is best done from a small boat between April and October. Outside these months, anglers will find few stripers in the river because they migrate back to Lake Weiss in the fall. Average fish will be 5-10 pounds, with a few 30-pound fish lurking in the depths. Expect fewer than normal larger stripers in 2015 due to the severe drought conditions experienced regionally in 2007 and 2008. On the flip-side, smaller fish (5 lbs) may be more plentiful given the good spring spawning conditions in recent years.
What is Striped Bass
eorgia was faced with the crises of a plummeting eagle population. In 1983, no nesting pair of eagles could be found. Georgia’s Department of Natural Resources (DNR) launched an aggressive campaign for the species recovery. As indicated by the DNR data, Georgia had 142 occupied nesting territories, 111 successful nests and 175 young fledged in 2011. Eagles can be found around the larger lakes to the north and along the Georgia coast. During the fall and winter, the population rises due to the arrival of migrating eagles that over-winter in Georgia. An “eagle sighting” is memorable, and now a more frequent experience for Georgians across the state.
What bald eagle