Name one breathing exercise
Name a coping skill
Ask a new question
Share something you are looking forward to
Model a breathing exercise
Model a coping skill
What is something new you want to do? (EX: try a new food, go to a new place, meet a new friend)
What makes you happy? Why?
Why do we use breathing exercises
Name 3 coping skills
Share something new!
Share a time where you used a coping skill and it was helpful. Why was it helpful?
What can breathing help with?
Name one coping skill to use for when you become angry.
Therapist is the Judge
Learn a new coping skill
Practice a new coping skill with therpaist.
Share a time when something did not go your way. What did you do about it? What could you have done?
When should we use breathing exercises?
Name a coping skill that has not been said already.
Create a fun story and incorporate a coping skill into the story
Share something that was challenging for you and how did you overcome this