11 key physical areas to build in order to be healthy and more adept at sports.
What are the components of fitness?
When you lose more liquid than you ingest.
What is dehydration?
A bundle of fibrous tissue.
What is a muscle?
The type of activity that requires oxygen for energy production.
What is aerobic activity?
Stretching that is beneficial when used during a cool-down after a workout.
What is static stretching?
The component of fitness that would require the muscles to generate a singular maximal force.
What is muscular strength?
An eating disorder characterized by binge eating and feeling out of control.
What is BED?
Contraction with no noticeable movement.
What is an isometric contraction
Component of fitness that relates to the ability to move (ROM)
What is flexibility?
To take action even when you don't want to.
What is self-discipline?
Skill-related component that requires the other skills to create the ability to change directions quickly and effectively. Ex: dribbling through cones
What is agility?
Substances requiring nourishment essential for growth and the maintenance of life.
What are nutrients?
Creating a challenge in order to see muscle growth/adaptation.
What is overload?
The bpm I aim to raise my heart rate to during a workout.
What is target heart rate?
How hard you train during your workout.
What is intensity?
Luka has decided to run his neighborhood until he gets tired. He is building this component.
What is cardiovascular endurance?
Lan is increasing his calorie intake from 1700 to 2300 calories.
What is a weight gain goal?
When I lower my arm at my elbow during a bicep curl.
What is an eccentric contraction?
Dishonest messaging by advertisers to make people buy products that are not proven to help.
What is a scam?
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.
What is Newton's 3rd law?
The skill-related component that would require you to maintain control over your body's positioning.
What is balance?
Defined by the sum of the food you eat.
What is a diet?
This training principle works with overload to ensure that your muscles are continuously being challenged.
What is progression?
A good range for this heart rate would be about 60-80bpm.
What is resting heart rate?
Heating the muscles, gradually raising heart rate and breathing, and increasing circulation before a workout.
What are benefits of a dynamic warm-up?