Mental health is...
What is a person’s condition is with regard to their psychological and emotional well-being.
Spiritual Health is...
What is the way you find meaning, hope, comfort, and inner peace in your life?
Environmental health is...
Your surroundings..where you live, work, play..
Physical Health is...
What is a proper care of our bodies for optimal health and functioning?
Emotional health is...
What is a our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make healthy choices.
Why are mental health disorders considered "invisible illnesses"?
Symptoms are easily hidden and are not outward like coughing or sneezing or rashes...
Ways to manage Spiritual health
What is going to church, Meditation, Yoga, Mindfulness?
Name an illness caused by environmental issues.
Cancers, lung disease...
What is a sweetener put in food or drinks that can be unhealthy if too much is eaten?
The most common social pressure.
peer pressure
Ways to manage anxiety
What is Routine, Talk, Mindfulness, Schedule, Rationalize?
(Name one)
Mindfulness is...
What is a mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings and thoughts?
What pathogen can spread if you leave dirty food or containers in your room?
Negative affects of sugar
What is Increase body weight, Increase risk of heart disease, Increase risk of diabetes, and Drains your energy?
(Name one)
The 5 main emotions
(Answer all correctly)
Depression is...
What is a feeling of severe hopelessness and sadness. A state of unhappiness that lasts for several weeks and even getting out of bed is a daily struggle?
How does culture connect with spiritual health?
Common beliefs, values, religion...
Name 2 types of environmental threats that can cause disease.
Air or water pollution
On the back of a drink/Food product
What is a Nutrition label?
Taking time for yourself.
self care
Types of Eating Disorders
What is Anorexia Nervous, Bulimia, Disordered eating, Binge Eating?
(Name one)
Benefits of yoga and Meditation
What is increased muscle strength. Improved respiration, energy and vitality. Maintaining a balanced metabolism?
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Formula for grams to teaspoons of sugar
4 grams is equal to 1 tsp
The two fears we are born with