where and when was the conferance taken place?
who organised it?
en septembre 1864, dans charlottetown, ile du prince edouard
les trois colonies des maritimes (nouvelle eccosse, nouveau brunswick et ile du prince edouard
when and where was the second conference taken place?
who was invited?
who couldnt go?
the second conference was taken place in quebec in october 1864.
the maritimes colonies, canada ouest + est and terre neuve were invited
colombie brittanique couldnt go because they were too far away
when and where?
who was invited and how long it lasted?
in december 1866 in london(londres), royaume uni
canada ouest, canada est, nouveau brunswick and nouvelle ecosse went to london for a third conference that lasted 3 weeks.
when was it adopted and who was it adopt by
in 29 march 1867 by the british parlement
who is antoine-aime dorion and what did he want?
what did he think?
antoine aime dorion was the leader of the red party in canada-esthe wanted a public vote not just a vote by deputies
he though that the provinces would lose their identity and control over their laws. He also believed that the small maritimes would be a financial burden on canada-uni
terre neuve
because of the cabot straight
what happend during 3 weeks?
what did they decide about the mode of representation?
during 3 weeks, about 30 delegues disscussed how the new regroupment could function.
they decided the mode of representation for the "chambres des communes et le SENAt"
what was the result of the conference?
they named the new country: le Dominion du Canada
its the first independant dominionof the british empire (empire brittanique)
what happened on july 1st 1867?
the new constitution came into force on July 1, 1867 and the Dominion of Canada was born
who is joseph howe and what did he do
why was he against the quebec city resolutions
he is a journalist and a politician in halifax, he helped novia scotia gain a responsible goernment in 1848 and was its first minister from 1860 to 1863
he was against it because he thought nova scotia hadnt properly consulted and that it will be overwhelmed by canada-uni. canada-uni was too far away to function
what did the politicans covince the dirigeants of the maritimes colonies to do?
the politiceans du canada uni (john a macdonald) to abandon their projet union and unite with Canada-Uni
the delegues liked the idea and planned a second conference to apply this to their project
at the end of the conference what did the delegues vote for?
what were the characteristics that the canadian government planned by the use of the resolutions?
the delegues voted for a serie of propositions called the 72 resolutions/resolutions of quebec
•canada is a federation (there is a government for each province and the whole country)
•each level of government have their responsabilities: federal:takes care of indian affairs. Provincial:occupies education
what is the dominion of canada?
an ancient british colony that became a country, but they have certain responsibilities like:
•exterior affairs under authority of london
it was the first what?
it is the first constitution written by the colonies and not imposed by the colonies
what did the prince edward delegates fear?
they feared that confederation would stop the colony from leading/governing ITSelF, lead to heavy taxes and force it to stop military actions in canadas conflicts
name more characteristics that the canadian government planned by the use of the resolutions
•parlement is made of two chambres: le chambre de communes and le senat
•chambres des communes:selon population and they are elected (elus)
•senat: representation egale and they are named
•john a macdonald influences the drafting of these resolutions the MOST
what did canada conserve?
Canada conserve the monarchy and its appartance to the British Empire
which provinces did it include
what was ottawa designated as?
it includes four provinces: ontarion, quebec, new brunswick and nova scotia
Ottawa is officially designated as the capital of the Dominion
newfoundland and the quebec city resolutions
newfoundland (not invited to the charlottetown conference) opposed confederation
charles fox bennet fears that a federal government will impose heavy taxes
when was the power ceded to canada?
it was not until 1982 that this power was officially ceded to Canada
what did new brunswickers fear?
two important minorities of new brunwick?
they feared they wouldnt have enough representatives in the federal government
the acadians and irish catholics were not representated at the charlottetown conference.
the prime minister had to work hard to convince the colony to support confederation.