Basketball Basics
Advanced Basketball Rules
Basketball Terminology
Learning Basketball

This action involves moving the ball up the court by bouncing it with one hand.

What is dribbling?


This is the term for when a player holds the ball for more than five seconds while being closely guarded.

What is a five-second violation?


This term describes the act of jumping and obstructing a shot in mid-air.

What is a block?


This is the first fundamental skill beginners usually learn, involving moving the ball up and down the court by bouncing it.

What is dribbling?


This is the number of players each team has on the court during a game.

What is five?


This rule violation occurs when a player steps outside of the playing perimeter while in possession of the ball.

What is out of bounds?


This term refers to an offensive play where a player passes the ball to a teammate, then immediately moves to set a screen for them.

What is a pick and roll?


This type of shot is often the first one taught to beginners because it is taken close to the basket.

What is a layup?


This term describes a violation where a player takes too many steps without dribbling.

What is traveling?


This is the area of the court where a player must stay for no more than three seconds while their team is in possession of the ball.

What is the paint?


This term describes when a defensive player legally positions themselves to prevent an opponent from driving to the basket.

What is taking a charge?


This defensive technique, where a player stays low and moves sideways, is crucial for guarding opponents effectively.

What is defensive sliding?


This is the maximum amount of time a team is allowed to possess the ball before attempting a shot.

What is 24 seconds (NBA) or 30 seconds (NCAA)?


This type of shot is worth three points when made from beyond a designated line.

What is a three-point shot?


This term describes a quick, forceful dribble that changes direction, usually to evade a defender.

What is a crossover dribble?


These are the basic foot movements that are essential for maintaining balance and moving efficiently on the court.

What are pivots or footwork?


This type of foul occurs when a defensive player makes illegal physical contact with an opponent.

What is a personal foul?


This term describes the defensive strategy where each player is responsible for guarding a specific opposing player.

What is man-to-man defense?


This term is used when a player grabs a missed shot attempt that bounces off the rim or backboard.

What is a rebound?


This concept, involving moving the ball quickly and accurately among teammates, is key to effective team offense.

What is ball movement or passing?
