This is a chord containing the root, the third, and the fifth.
What is a triad?
What is static?
Structure is determined by the aspects of ______ and ________.
What is repetition and contrast?
This is a musical marking meaning to gradually increase the volume.
What is a crescendo?
This is a continually repeated musical phrase or rhythm.
What is an ostinato?
This is any arrangement of the chord notes in which the root of the chord is NOT the lowest note
What is an inversion?
This type of melody contains notes that do not match the key.
What is chromatic?
What is a concluding passage of a musical piece that is formed as an addition to the basic structure called?
What is a coda?
This is like an accent, but even stronger, with a vigorous “marked” quality.
What is marcato?
"Walking" bass lines typically contain mostly what note value?
What is quarter notes?
This is when all of the notes in the chord are played simultaneously.
What is a block chord?
This is a continuous slide upward or downward between two notes.
What is a glissando?
Which form of structure follows an A-A-A-A model?
What is strophic?
What dynamic change is abbreviated with the letters sfz?
What is sforzando?
These chords contain multiple instances of adjacent seconds.
What are cluster chords?
This is an unchanging pitch or pitches used as a harmonic foundation, most often found in bass parts.
What is a drone?
This is a pair of phrases with complementary cadences.
What is a period?
Which form of structure follows an A-B-C-D model?
What is through-composed?
Marking indicating that a note needs to be played for its full duration.
What is tenuto?
What mode of C major has E as the tonic?
What is Phrygian?
This type of chord contains the root, the perfect fifth, and the minor seventh.
What is an Open 7 chord?
This is a rapid alternation of a note with the note immediately below or above it in the scale.
What is a mordent?
Which form of structure follows an A-B-A-C-A model?
What is a rondo?
What is the term for a sudden dynamic change (not the musical marking)?
What is terraced dynamics?
Major pentatonic scales omit the ____ and ____ of the major diatonic scale.
What is the 4 and the 7?