Intermediate Inheritance
process by which sperm from one's flower's pollen fertilizes the eggs in a flower of a different plant
Meiosis explanation
Chromosomes Theory of Inheritance says genes are located on chromosomes and behavior during meiosis/fertilization account's for inheritance patterns
a heterocyclic organic compound that is a building block of DNA and RNA
deoxyribonucleic acid
molecule responsible for inheritance; nucleic acids that contains the sugar deoxyribose
Inheritance pattern in which a heterozygote expresses the distinct traits of both alleles
generalization that genes are located on chromosomes and that the behavior accounts for inheritance patterns
DNA chemical structure
phosphate group + sugar (deoxyribose) + nitrogenous base
a colorless crystalline compound with basic properties, forming a uric acid on oxidation
ribonucleic acid
nucleic acid containing the sugar ribose
combined effect of two or more genes on a single character
building blocks (monomer) of nucleic acid polymers
DNA replication process
1. copy itself with template strand
2. 2 strands of double helix separate
3. each strand becomes a template for producing a new complementary strand
process by which a DNA template is used to produce a single-stranded RNA
Messenger RNA
RNA molecule transcribed from a DNA template
Incomplete Dominance
when one allele isn't completely expressed over the other (blended)
Nitrogenous Base
single or double ring of carbon and nitrogen atoms with attached function groups, found in nucleic acids
Transcription process
1. single-strand leaves nucleus and directs making of proteins to cytoplasm
2. RNA bases pair with complimentary DNA base
(uses mRNA with uracil instead of thymine)
process by which a sequence of nucleic acids in RNA is used to direct the production of a chain of specific amino acids
Transfer RNA
RNA that translates the 3-letter codons of mRNA to amino acids
Blending Theory and Disvaildation
offspring will be a blend of all parents traits ; doesn't explain how characteristics disappear and reappear
DNA Replication
process by copying DNA molecules
Translation process
1. uses tRNA to translate the 3-letter codons of mRNA to the amino acids that make up proteins
2. tRNA has an anticodon (area complimentary to the codons on the mRNA) to pass the codons information to an amino acids
3. making a protein from amino acids (w/ help of rRNA linking different amino acids together to form polypeptides (chains of amino acids)
4. has a start and stop codon to know when to begin and end
Mendel's 4 hypotheses
Alternative forms of genes called alleles; each inherited characteristics has 2 alleles; when only one characteristics appears in heterozygous, its dominant; two alleles for a trait separate during gamete formation
Ribosomal RNA
RNA component of ribosomes