Basic Training
Community Chest

What Technology powers our PEO platform?

What is, 

Insperity Premier


How many Service Team members does a company of 10 employee's get dedicated to their account under HR360? 

Daily Double: Name them all 

What is,

HR manager, CL/HR specialist, Performance Specialist, Payroll Specialist, Safety Specialist 


What are our 4 package Tiers?

What is, 

Revolution, Liberty, Independence, and Freedom


Name 4 of the 5 steps of the Insperity sales cycle

What is,

1. Prospecting 2. Discovery 3. Analysis 4. Proposal/Closing 5. Onboarding


Which of the following is not included in our HR-Related Compliance services

a. Handbook development

b. Auto update of employee rights posters

c. State and Federal compliance e-alerts

d. New hire reporting

e. All of the above

What is;

b. Auto update of employee rights posters


Is Recruiting included in our WO/ HR360 Cost? 

What is, 

No, but is available at an additional cost.


Name the three divisions of the Insperity Service Teams, including the size of clients they serve.

What is,

Business Team (30 EE's or fewer)

Core & Emerging Growth (31-149 EE's)

Middle Market (150+ EE's)


What are our 6 package plan names? 

What is, 

Premier, Select, Classics Choice, Value Choice, Saver, Enhanced (Pacific NW optional)  


From your new hire training, name three of the four benefits our outsourced HR solution provides.

Daily Double: Name 4 of the 4 to double your points

What is,

1. Administrative relief 2. Better benefits 3. Reduced liability 4. an instant infrastructure to help small and medium sized businesses succeed.


How many Employees do you need to sell to make your Q Won bonus? 

Daily Double: 

What is the payout?

What is,

 40+ Employees

What is,



Do we do Employee Leasing, or have ownership of our clients emplyees? 

What is,

NO, we are co-employers. In eyes of the IRS we file your employees but do not reserve the right to hire or fire on your behave. The company maintains "ownership" of their employees. 


Who is our Charlotte HR specialist?

Who is,

Beth Elliott


What plan package includes D+V, Education reimbursement, and Employer paid STD+LTD? 

What is, 

Freedom Package


From your new hire training, name at least 3 characteristics that makes for an ideal Insperity client.

Daily Double: Name at least 5 to double your points

What is,

1. Getting better agenda 2. Values employees 3. Value outsourcing 4. Understands the value of time 5. Premium buyer 6. Understands the risk of being an employer 7. Maintains good business practices 8. Premium provider 9. Profitable 10. Thriving


What documents are needed to collect a full Business Profile?

What is, 

Signed BP, Employee Census, Medical Plan Summary, Medical Invoice, W/C Dec page. 

Bonus: Payroll/ admin Invoice


Name two key differences between the WO (HR360) and WX (HRCore) offerings.

What is,

WO offers a team of HR professionals with a hands on approach for a customized HR service. WO does not include 1099 payroll processing or expense reimbursement. 

WX is a more self service platform with access to HR knowledge and support. This platform is for owners who was support but prefer to do it themselves. WX does not include E-Verify, EAP, unemployment administration, or Plan sponsorship benefits.

There are more so up to judges discretion....


Who are the HR service managers? 

Daily Double:

Name who they are and divisions they cover.

Who is,

Ellie Frieser and Crystal Phillips 

Ellie- Core & Crystal- Business Team


What do the Acrynoms FSA and HSA stand for? 

Daily Double: 

Explain the difference

What is,

Flexible Spending Account and Health Savings Account 

Whats is, 

FSA is a spending account card that allows pretaxed contributions to be made via payroll deductions and can be used under 1 calendar year. Use it or lose it card tied to standard PPO plans ($500 rollover)

HSA is a spending account card that allows pretaxed contributions to be made via payroll deductions and can be used at any time forever. This card is tied to any HDHP.  


From your new hire training, how many businesses does Insperity serve?

What is,

more than 100,000


Name the 3 new names of our Insperity Offerings and describe each segment? 

What is,

HR 360- PEO (an All-inclusive model that support company growth and provides a high level of HR support while giving you access to fortune level 500 benefits and Resources.)

HR Core- WX (A powerful blend of HR service and support and an advanced HR technology infrastructure, a unique combination for company who prefer to do it themselves but need more resources and some support)

HR Scale - MM (our All-inclusive model that support companies in the enterprise space from 150 ee- 5K This model provides a high level of HR support to help streamline your org and take on more complex projects with your team. Giving access to scale and long term cost savings)


What percent of EEO services get resolved without cost to the employee under Insperity PEO? 

Daily Double: 

What is the average settlement for a client under the Insperity relationship? 

What is,


What is, 

$17,292 (Ill accept $17K)


What does Paul Sarvadi say is Insperity's competitive advantage? 

What is, 

No one can rival the breadth and depth of our services or the level of care we provide.”


Why can it be beneficial for employees to cover costs of their own STD or LTD plan? 

What is, 

because if they pay they get the tax benefits or being pre-taxed and if/ when they need to opt into the benefit they do not have to pay taxes on their 60% of weekly/ monthly allotted amount. 


Explain the Insperity accomplishments page as if I was a prospect. 

HINT :) Founded: Revenue: Certification Status: # of offices: Publicly traded: 

Daily Double: What 2 words were used to create Insperity.

What is,

Founded: 1986 

Revenue: 6.5 B 

Certification Status: CPEO through IRS 

# of offices: 100+

Publicly traded: NY Stock Exchange since 1997 where we had a name change from Adminstaff to Insperity. 

What is, 

Inspire + Prosperity 


The three modes of persuasion, from The Advisor's Approach.

Daily Double: Name and define them to double your points.

What is,

1. Ethos - Credibility 

2. Pathos - Emotion 

3. Logos - Logic 

People buy from people they respect, not like. They make decisions emotionally and justify them logically
