How many births does Down Syndrome occur?
1 in 800
What is FXS more commonly known as?
Martin-Bell Syndrome
What does cerebral palsy impact?
Impacts muscle tone, movement, and motor skills.
Who discovered PWS?
Swiss doctors Andrea Prader, Alexis Labhart, and Heinrich Willi
What are the five areas that can be affected by developmental delay?
Cognitive skills, social and emotional skills, speech and language skills, fine and gross motor skills, daily living.
What are the three types of Down Syndrome?
Trisomy, Translocation, Mosaicism
What are some physical features of children with FXS?
Long face, large ears, flat feet
Students with Cerebral Palsy generally need support for movement, name three supports to help children with Cerebral Palsy.
braces, crutches, or a wheelchair
Name three symptoms for PWS?
constant eating, underdevelopment of the face & body, frequent bouts of pain/aches in the body, lack of control with bodily functions and lack of emotional control.
Name three signs of developmental delay?
Attention issues
Speech and Language problems
Communication disorder
Aggression towards new faces
Extreme vision problems
Name three characteristics for Children with Down Syndrome?
Small, flat nose
Almond-shaped eyes that have an upward slant
Smaller limbs and body frame
Low muscle tone
True or False Children with FXS may also experience other disabilities?
What typically causes cerebral palsy?
Typically caused by brain damage that occurred before, or during, a child’s birth or during the first few years of life.
How often does PWS occur?
1 in every 15,000 births in Canada
Name three strategies for teachers that can be utilized to help children with developmental delays?
Recommended testing
Lots of breaks
Visual boards/PECS
Timers for Transitions
Adapt certain physical activities
Routine, Routine, Routine!