Backwards design
Planning lessons as last step a
differentiating instruction
Meeting student needs in affect,readiness, interests, learning profile
giving time and/effort to support a cause
prepare, act, reflect
Steps of service-learning
5-e Learning
Science plan for inquiry-based teachi
Reading and Writing
Vital skills
lesson objectives
What students are expected to learn and able to do as a result of the lesson
3-D Teaching
Science, art, service of teaching
Unit of Study
involves a theme, with daily lesson plans addressing aspects of the theme
Interdependent with curriculum and instruction
cooperative learning
Student collaboration in schools
Bloom's Taxonomy
6 levels of thinking skills
Service Learning
Goal of enhancing students’ social, academic, and civic skills
Critical Thinking
Observing, comparing and contrasting, interpreting, analyzing, seeing issues from a variety of perspectives
art of teaching
knowing how and when to use particular strategies
Pacing Guide
Outline what should be taught and when it should be taught, designating the order of concepts and skills
Daily Lesson Plans
Directing learning experiences, choice by choice, day by day
Student Affect
Students’ emotions impact learning
inquiry learning
students pursue answers to questions by others or developed on their own
Educational Technology
Any technology-based device that assists teachers in teaching and students in learning