This type of assessment determines which employees need training and what the content of their training should be
Needs Assessment
This theory of motivation focuses on the 5 level of unfulfilled needs.
Need(s) Hierarchy Theory/Maslow
This type of satisfaction refers to the nature of job tasks themselves and how people feel about the work they do.
Acts that harm organizations and people are known as this type of work behavior.
There are three levels of assessment, this level is concerned with the tasks of each job.
Job Level
This theory of motivation assumes that people inherently value fairness at work.
Justice Theory
List one (1) way to assess job satisfaction.
Facet Scales
Global Scales
Influencing the attitudes, beliefs, behaviors, and feelings of others is known as this:
This training method involves trainees watching someone perform a task and then imitate them.
This theory of motivation is concerned with the beliefs individuals have about how their own capabilities.
The facet approach lists different aspects of a job (facets) and assesses satisfaction with each of them. Name one (1) common facet of job satisfaction.
Supervisors who mistreat subordinates is known as this of power.
This training method is a presentation by a trainer to trainees. A major advantage of is that it is an efficient way of conveying information to a large number of people at the same time.
This theory of motivation focuses on goal modification and revised strategies for goal attainment.
Control Theory
Beliefs that self or external factors control reward that are related to internal higher job satisfaction is known as this:
Locus of Control
The extent to which one can influence another to do something is known as this:
These type of training sessions are long and take place in a short period of time that can be more efficient. For example, a one-day absence is less disruptive to the workplace than four 2-hour absences, especially when a replacement is necessary, or the training location requires much travel.
Massed Training
This theory of motivation believes behavior is controlled by environmental rewards.
The match between individual and the job is known as this type of job fit.
There are 4 dimensions of Political Skill, name one (1) of the four (4) dimensions.
Social Astuteness
Interpersonal influence
Networking Ability
Apparent Sincerity