This is the type of indices we typically use in our cost estimates
What is composite?
This is the Milestone conducted prior to the EMD Phase
What is MS B?
You are provided historical production data for an analogous system to understand the learning experienced. This is the first step you should take.
What is normalize your dollars?
These are the prime contractors for the Development of SEWIP Block 2, SEWIP Block 3, and SPEIR
What is Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, and L3 Harris?
Surface Electronic Warfare Improvement Program
This is the appropriation used for system procurement for new construction hulls
What is Shipbuilding & Conversion, Navy (SCN)?
This is the budget we will mark up at DON-27
What is PB-26 (or Pre-DON27 per Mo)
You receive an email from your APM requesting the Unit Pricing for the systems being procured in FY24. These are what you need to consider and where you go to find this information.
Considerations: What is the procurement quantity in FY24?
Where you go: What is the fielding plan (smoothing file) and contract (step ladder pricing)?
This is the scope on the SEWIP Block 3 EMD contract (and it aligns with typical EMD contract scope)
What is 1) Preliminary Design, 2) EDM, 3) LRIPs 1 & 2, 4) Engineering Services
Engineering Development Model
This is the inflation process required to convert an actual non-recurring design cost from an FY15 budget to an input into a cost estimate for a MS review in FY26
Utilizing the RDT&E composite inflation index from the JIC, divide by the 2015 weighted index & multiply by the 2026 raw index
These are the typical appropriations of funding that are utilized during the O&S phase
What are PO OMN, Fleet OMN, MPN, OPN
The Safety team at NSWC Dahlgren reaches out and requests an additional $100K of funding. These are your next steps.
Depending on whether they have received their entire budget (i.e. under CR), confirm whether this is additional funding they have now or additional planned funding. Assuming additional funding, request details on the purpose of the funding and review Funding Tracker (Spend Plan) to determine whether there is funding in Reserve, consider reducing other activities, or FARFing funds. Discuss requirement with APM and receive concurrence on requirement and path forward.
This is when SEWIP Block 2 completed FRP DR
What is SEP 2016?
Program Objective Memorandum
These are the 3 Defense Budgets in order with the months they typically occur in the year
What is DoN (June/July), OSD (August/September), PB (December/January)
This effort is commonly de-scoped from EMD contracts in order to meet cost and schedule objectives/thresholds
What are EDM quantities?
Your client asks you to begin preparing for the upcoming POM cycle. These are some initial steps you should take to prepare for an initial discussion with your APM.
Review POM issues from last FY and whether the requirements were funded or are still relevant
Assess your budget vs requirements and document any potential gaps in funding
This was the largest cost driver in the Production and Deployment phase at SEWIP Block 3 MS C (also typical cost driver in P&D)
What is Recurring Hardware?
Original Equipment Manufacturer
This is what PPBE stands for and an example of actions per phase
What is Planning (CONOPS development, AoAs), Programming (POM development), Budgeting (Budget development, Spend Plan development, Execution (Ledger reviews, Funds to Go)
This is the difference between phasing costs in Development, Production, and O&S
Development is based on schedule and historical trends, Production is driven by procurement quantities per year, O&S is driven by fielded quantities per year
You are performing risk and uncertainty analysis for a MS B LCCE and review your Coefficients of Variation (CV) for all your program phases. This is the phase you expect to have the largest CV and why.
What is O&S and because it is the furthest away, with the most unknowns
This event is an entrance criteria for FRP DR that has continued to slip to the right and has ultimately caused the SEWIP Block 3 FRP DR to shift to the right
What is IOT&E?
Diminishing Manufacturing Sources and Material Shortages