If I am approved for a conversion in C-WAY and I change my mind, may I reenlist in my current rating using the conversion quota?
What is the normal term length for an Ombudsman?
The ombudsman’s term of service automatically expires when the ombudsman’s spouse transfers from the command, is discharged, transfers to the Fleet Reserve, or retires. A letter of resignation is also required whenever there is a change of command; however, the new commander or commanding officer may request that the current ombudsman remains until a new ombudsman is trained and in his/her place, or may offer to reappoint.
What are some resources for someone experiencing suicidal thoughts?
Suicide hotline 1 800 273 8255
Ffsc 904 542 5745. 270 6600 bldg 1
Military one source
Military crisis line.net/chat
Navy 311
Duty chaplain. 904 219 8004
What is the OPNAVINST that governs personal financial management?
Who am I?
Original rating was Radarman, later renamed OS.
Known for a hard stance on uniform and grooming regulations.
Fought for increases in sea pay.
Instrumental in large improvements in off duty education.
Driving force behind returning the force to traditional cracker jacks phased out by ADM Zumwalt.
He changed the MCPOF/SCPOC/CPOC organization to a Fleet, Force and Command Master Chief program through revision of OPNAVINST 5400.37A.
Set up the Enlisted Surface Warfare Specialist Program
They named a training facility after me in 1990.
MCPON Robert J Walker (Third MCPON)
If I was denied for all of my in-rate looks and I have conversion opportunity, do I have to convert?
What is an Ombudsman
An Ombudsman is a volunteer spouse, generally the spouse of a Chief, who serves as an official information link between the command leadership and the families at home. s. They also provide resource referrals and are instrumental in resolving family issues before they require the command’s attention. The CO determines the priorities of the program.
A confidential resource for families to reach out to.
A source of emergency and crisis information.
Provides referral services and contact info for FFSC, childcare, Navy housing, legal, NMCRS, TRICARE etc….
Keeps the CO informed regarding Sailor families’ morale, health and welfare.
Maintains an up-to-date telephone tree and email distribution list and social media page to share information quickly.
Coordinate services for families during deployment, mobilization or geographic separation. Performs other roles, functions and duties as required by the CO.
T/F. Suicide can be prevented
True. Responsibility of all of us to watch or shipmates
What is the purpose of a spending plan?
Provides paycheck to paycheck plan for paying expenses.
MCPON Terry Scott
How many PRD looks are sailors given?
What are some common misconceptions of the role of an ombudsman?
Not included in the role:
Providing childcare.
Transporting people.
Lending money.
Allowing people to stay with them in their homes.
Doing for others what they must learn to do for themselves.
What are some behaviors to help?
Be direct
Willing to listen
Non judgemental
Get involved
Offer hope
Get help
Dont act shocked
Dont be sworn to secracy
What is the law that allows service members to reduce interest rates to 6% on debts incurred before military?
Services members civil relief act.
Who am I?
Attended AN “P” School and AM “A” School at NATTC, Memphis, Tennessee.
Assigned to COMNAVAIRPAC where he served as a trainer for race relations and a member of the quality control inspection team for overseas WESTPAC units and carriers.
First MCPON to have the authorization of the CNO to travel with his wife.
Focused on “Pride and Professionalism”
Instrumental in the opening of the Senior Enlisted Academy in Newport R.I.
Responsible for a housing allowance that paid the difference between a service member’s BAQ (basic allowance for quarters) and the average rental costs plus utilities at the member’s duty station
Restructured travel allowances associated with PCS (permanent change of station) entitlements.
Developed the urinalysis program in an effort to stop rampant drug use within the ranks.
With the help of his wife they opened the doors of the pilot family services center in Norfolk, heralding a new era for the Navy family. Beginning of FFSC!
MCPON Thomas S. Crow (Fourth MCPON)
If a Sailor marks "Intends to separate" on their application, can they remain on active duty?
There is no yes or no.
What are some circumstances where an ombudsman would have to break confidentiality (mandated reporter)?
All alleged sexual assaults.
All suspected or potential suicidal risks.
All suspected or known child abuse/neglect.
Alleged domestic abuse.
Suspected or potential homicides, violence or life-endangering situations.
Other issues identified by the CO as reportable.
What are some coping techniques?
When conducting a financial screening for E-1 to E-4 personnel, the debt to income ratio should not exceed what percentage?
Who is the best
MCPON Rick West
How many reenlistment zones are there?
True or False? It is a requirement for you to give your spouse/ family members contact information to the SEL for the Ombudsman distro.
True. Why is it important?
What is ACT
If a Sailor gets into serious financial trouble, what are some of the actions the military can take?
Not recommended for promotion
Removed security clearance
Loss of duty assignment
Who was the 5th MCPON?
MCPON Sanders