How many Timed appointments can you have on a route?
Identify this pest.
German Cockroach
Who is the Owner of our Branches?
Tim Headrick
After which appointment do we come out 30 days after.
In this tab your able to see what CC was used to pay the last charge.
What is Invoice Tab
If a customer is just serviced for a WPR 2 weeks prior, what type of appointment would we schedule?
Spiders are not considered insects, what are they?
What are the two Questions?
Are you completely satisfied with the service I’ve provided today?
Is there anything you can think of that either myself or someone at moxie could do to improve the service I provide?
What are the main 4 things always done during a general pest control maintenance?
Yard granulation, sweeping the eves, foundation treatment, dusting the weep holes/cracks and crevices.
Where can you see the phone number, address and the email?
What is Info Tab
How Many WPR/FTW are allowed on a route?
What pest causes nearly $5 billion in property damage every year in the U.S?
What is our mission statement?
We improve the quality of life for our customers,team, and community.
What is our standard ECR?
80 % of the remaining contract value
Where can you see the details of the calls we have had with the customer?
What is Notes Tab
If A customer calls for their ATI we can schedule on which route?
Long route under Product Lines
What is the extreme fear new items in the environment?
What are our core values?
Do the Right Thing
Ben Nice
Be the Solution
Keep Improving
How many services are included in a Bimonthly service agreement?
Where would you check to see if we have a consent to enter ?
What is Document Tab?
What do you have to check before you cancel a prebuilt?
Who scheduled it, have reminders been sent, is it a QM and is it before the 25th of the month
What pest creates nearly perfect holes in wood leaving behind a sawdust like substance called frass?
Carpenter Bee
Name the eight team Talents
Genuine,Nice,Committed, Competent,Collaborative,Self Improving, Respectful of appearance and property, and safety minded.
How many branches do we currently service?
What tab reveals a customer service Frequency?
What is Subscription Tab