Two minutes.
What is time you have to get to group?
Calls must be taken outside.
What is the appropriate cell phone use?
Closed shoes, shirts with sleeves, knee lengths shorts, dresses, etc.,
What is appropriate clothing for HCBC?
Talk with my counselors or ask at the front desk.
How do I make an individual appointment?
15 minutes.
What is "the max amount of time I have after calling ahead of when late."
Must be done outside, not in front of door.
What are the rules for vaping/smoking?
Clothing with drug/alcohol references, violence, gangs, etc
What is not appropriate clothing for HCBC?
For this, check in with my counselor or the staff at the front desk.
What is "how do I make an appointment"
Drinks, but no food.
What is allowed in group?
Return to the front desk, don't keep in pocket, don't leave in bathroom, don't take it home.
What are the rules for the bathroom key?
Secured around my waist.
Where should my pants be?
For this, I need to ask my PO or counselor"
What is "how do I make up for a missed UA"
Turned down/off or vibrate. Not in use.
What are phone expectations in groups.
no one...
Who can come with you to treatment?
This need to be closed, in case of an emergency.
What is closed (not opened toed) shoes?
This is not allowable, even though it is a nice thing to do.
What is "sharing or giving items such as food, especially to staff"
Sleeping, snoring, side conversations, playing on phones.
What are things not to do in group?
Pets-snake, cat, dog, fish, rats, etc., weapons-guns, pepper spray, knives, cannons, box cutters, grenades, etc., drugs, alcohol
What is not in my possession while at HCBC?
This is where I can find answers to my questions about appropriate clothing.
What is "checking the client handbook"
Alerting staff and my PO of any concerns about my safety/wellbeing while at Heartland.
What is "proper steps to take to ensure safety"