Fastest to name this key
Mental Health
The ability of individuals to form healthy and rewarding interpersonal relationships with others
Social Health
You can feel cranky if you do not get enough of this
What town does Mrs. Lambert live in?
This can make you feel anxious and tired and worried
First team to write out the alphabet wins
This means you brush your teeth, take showers regularly etc.
Does Mrs. Lambert like dogs or cats?
Emojis are an example of this important part of mental health
One part of social health that involves talking to others.
Another word for "healthy" foods
Nutritious Foods
How many kids does Mrs. Lambert have?
ability to focus, taking tests, memory are a part of your
Mental Health
Name 3 ways people can be social
Responses vary
Amount of activity you should have per day
1 hour
What sport did Mrs. Lambert play in college?
A mental state achieve by focusing one's awareness on present moments (calmly acknowledging/accepting feelings, thoughts and bodily sensations as therapeutic)
Why is social health important?
A sense of belonging
Running, playing sports, playing outside are all examples of....
Physical Activity
What Country is Mrs. Lambert From