God Creates heavens and the earth
God creates man and woman
Man rebels against God
Cain rebels against God
God floods the earth

What existed in the beginning?

The Bible says ,In the beginning, God before all creation, God existed.


Who made man and woman?

God made man and woman.


What could Adam and Eve eat in the Garden of Eden?

Fruit from all the trees but one.


What work did Cain and Abel do?

Cain was a farmer and Abel was a Shepperd.


Were the people who lived in Noah's time was good or bad?

They were bad and sinned a lot.


What does Genesis 1:1say that God created?

God created the heavens and the earth. This mean God created everything.


How can you tell man and woman are the best of God's creation?

Only humans (man and woman) were created in the image of God, and only after He made them He said the creation is very good.


Who lied to Eve , saying that she would not die?

The serpent ,Satan.


Was God pleased with Cain's and Abel's offering?

God was please with Abel's offering but not with Cain's offering.


What God decide to do because people sinned a lot?

God decide to send a flood to destroy the sinful men.


How did God create the heavens and the earth?

God created with his word.


What does it means to be made in God's image.?

Being made in God's image means that we can have a relationship with God.


Did Adam and Eve eat from the forbidden tree? and did they die?

Yes , they did eat and they did not die right away but Yes they did die eventually.


How did Cain respond?

He got angrier and killed his brother Abel.


What did God told Noah to make?

God told Noah to built an ark.


How long did God take to complete the creation?

He took six days, and one day He rested.


What responsibilities did God give man and woman?

Man and woman supposed to taking care of God's creation.


What judgement did God bring to Adam and Eve?

God judge Eve and now she will find pain in her roll of mother and wife. God judged Adam by cursing the ground ,work would be hard, painful and less productive.


Did Cain listen to God's warning and repentance of his sin?

No, Cain refuse to listen God's gracious reminder and rejected his call for repentance.


why did God choose Noah to be saved?

God was please with Noah because He was righteous, He was blameless in his time and He walked with God. 


What did God create on each day of creation?

Day one: light. Day 2:sky.Day three : land ,plants and trees. Day fourth: sun ,moon and stars. Day five: birds and fish. Day six: animals and people.


Why did God create woman?

Like man ,woman was made in God's image to glorify God ,but she was supposed to this by being a fit helper for man.


What blessing did God provide Adam and Eve?

God promise a Savior who will triumph over sin and Satan.


How did Cain respond to God's punishment and protection after killing his brother? 

Cain was blind to God's justice and instead of repentance he pitied himself and his sin encourage sin in his children after him. and in fact, sin grew worse.


What was God promise, and what did God put in the sky so that the people could remember the promise?

God put a rainbow in the sky to remind people that He would never again send a flood to cover the entire earth.
