Within 5 days of board adoption
What is when must an adopted LCAP be submitted to RCOE for approval?
These are the three phases of LCAP reviews conducted at RCOE
What are Fastpass, Compliance, and Content Reviews?
The number of narrative sections in the LCAP template
What is four?
True or False: LEAs with a numerically significant Foster Youth student group (n=15) are required to include actions in the LCAP for Foster Youth
What is False?
True of False: The checklist used for Fastpass is the same one used for Compliance Reviews
What is True?
LCAP first, then budget
What is the order of adoption of the district's LCAP and budget?
True of False: Participating in Fastpass reviews is required
What is False
An LEA receiving this funding must summarize how it consulted with educational partners at eligible school sites regarding low performing student groups and issues in credentialing
What is Equity Multiplier?
If an LEA has 30+ English learners (ELs) and 15+ of this student group, it must have actions for both groups
What are long-term English learners (LTELs)?
The amount of these two types of funds an LEA receives is based on the enrollment of foster youth, English learners, and low-income students
What are supplemental and concentration grant funds?
Must be presented at the same meeting that the LCAP is scheduled to be adopted
What are Local Indicators?
During this review phase, reviewers read adopted LCAPs and provide feedback on statutory requirements
What is Compliance Review?
Template sections that are in the form of spreadsheets?
What are the Budget Overview for Parents and the Action Tables?
Required actions that will be in effect for the 3-year LCAP cycle
What are actions for LEAs with the lowest (Red) performing student groups and/or schools on the Dashboard?
What are the
- Total Planned Expenditures Table
- Contributing Actions Table
- Annual Update Table
- Contributing Actions Annual Update Table
- LCAFF Carryover Table?
- Adherence to the SBE template
- Sufficient expenditures in budget
- Adherence to SBE expenditure regulations
- Calculate and implementation of Carryover
What are the 4 criteria for LCAP approval?
If the county office review team cannot find evidence that a district's LCAP meets the 4 criteria for approval, the county superintendent may issue this
What is a clarification letter?
The majority of changes to the current LCAP template are the result of mandates in this Senate bill
What is Senate Bill (SB) 114?
For an action identified as ineffective, the LEA must describe the reason it was ineffective as well as this
What is how the changes to the action will result in a new or strengthened approach?
The unmet portion of an LEA's percentage to increase or improve services and the equivalent dollar amount
What is carryover?
Education Code 50270 states that this person shall approval district LCAPs if s/he determines the LCAPs meet the 4 criteria for approval
Who is the county superintendent of schools?
Education Code 52070 requires an LCAP to be officially approved by this date.
What is October 8?
These my be identified in an action description or in the first prompt of the Increased/Improved Services (IIS) section
What are metrics to monitor effectiveness?
Two conditions of a qualitative action
What are it is a limited action and it cannot have funding associated with it?
A consistent narrative within the LCAP that articulates how data analysis, evaluation of effectiveness of past actions, and input from educational partners informs development of the coming year LCAP goals and actions
What is the Through-Line?