What Step Father?
Le Beau-Pére
What is Le Grand Père?
The Grandpa
What is La Tante?
The Aunt
What is Mom in French?
La Mère
How do you spell brother?
What is The Daughter
La Filles
What is Le Bèbè?
The Baby
What is La Femme?
The Wife
What is Le Frère?
How do you spell Aunt?
What is The Step Mother?
La Beau-Mère
What is Le Cousin?
The Cousin (Masculin)
What is Cousine in French?
What is cousin? (Femine)
La Cousine
How do you spell Baby?
What is The Daughter in Law?
La Bru
What is l'oncle
The Uncle
How do you say La Sœur in french (pronounciation)
La - Ser
What is Le Grand-Père?
How do you spell My cousin? (You can choose masculine or femine)
La Cousine (Femine)
Le Cousin (Masculine)
What is a only child?
Enfant Uniqe
How do you say Le Père in french? (pronounciation)
Le - Pear
What is La Grand-Mère?
The Grandmother
What is Le Beau-Frère?
Step Brother