What is hygiene?
Habits that maintain your health and prevent you from getting sick
Name the five food categories.
Dairy, protein, vegetables, fruit, grain
What is a calorie?
A unit of energy!
How many lobes does the brain have?
Four lobes.
What are the six basic emotions?
sadness, anger, surprise, joy, disgust, fear
What are some hygiene practices you should do everyday?
What is nutrition?
What you eat!
Where do calories come from?
From the food we eat.
What is the major function of the frontal lobe?
Emotions and decision making.
Why do we use coping skills and when do you need to use them?
Answer may vary.
Why should you brush your teeth twice a day?
If you do not brush your teeth, they will rot (That is what a cavity is!)
Name three types of grain.
2, 500 calories
What is the major function of the parietal lobe.
Sense of touch and taste, body position.
Name five coping skills.
Answers may vary.
If you do not have proper hygiene, how will that impact your life?
People will not want to be around you and you will be at danger of getting sick.
Name a protein food that does not come from an animal product.
Beans, seeds, nuts
What are the two major functions of proteins in our body?
To help our body heal and grow!
What is the major function of the temporal lobe?
The parietal lobe.
What would be different between your hygiene routine when you go to a job interview verses hanging out with your friends?
Answers may vary.
What is the problem with some fruit drinks?
If they do not say 100% juice, they do not come from fruit. They only contain sugar. Sometimes more sugar than soda!
Why is it important to eat complete proteins?
Your body can only use complete proteins and they must be eaten! Our body cannot make its own protein.
What is the major function of the occipital lobe?
It is the vision center.
What does the brain stem do?
Controls involuntary actions, such as your heart beat and breathing.