Dissect and Tell
Lunging for Air
The Ruptured Riddle
Rapid Response Required
Heart of Fire

Most common/#1 risk factor for Aortic Dissection.

Risk factors associated with AD include:

  • Hypertension (76%)

  • Atherosclerosis (27%)

  • Aortic aneurysm (16%)

  • Previous cardiac surgery (16%)

  • Marfan syndrome (5%)

  • Iatrogenic injury (4%)

  • Cocaine use (1.8%)


Most common physical exam finding associated with diagnosis/chest x-ray.

What is Tachycardia. (sinus tachycardia >120 bpm is the most common physical finding)


Most common cause of esophageal perforation

The most common etiology of an esophageal perforation is iatrogenic as a result of endoscopic interventions


D dimer cutoff for a pregnant patient with signs of dvt?

What is 500.


Patient presents with chest pain and shortness.  Patient is hypotensive with muffled heart sounds and JVD.  Images obtained in ED are below.  What is the definitive ED treatment.

What is pericardiocentesis.  Pericardiocentesis is performed urgently in cases of obstructive shock due to pericardial tamponade.


Type of dissection and usual definitive management?

What is Stanford A/Debakey 2.  Surgical 


You suspect tension pneumothorax on 25 y/o male that presents with chest pain after an altercation.  How will you relieve the tension pneumothorax.

What is 3rd/4th intercostal space midclavicular line or 4th/5th midaxillary line


True or False:  Antibiotics are recommended for esophageal perforation?

Empiric antimicrobial therapy is recommended


Dosage of heparin for pulmonary embolism

What is 80 units/kg intravenous bolus (maximum 10,000 units), followed by 18 units/kg/hour continuous intravenous infusion (maximum 2,000 units/hour).


Name the EKG finding and the cause.

What is Electrical alternans.  Electrical alternans occurs when a large pericardial effusion is present and the heart swings back and forth, beat-to-beat, inside the distended, fluid-filled pericardial sac.


Name one physical exam finding in a patient with aortic dissection


Most common cause of this chest x-ray?

What is aspiration pneumonia


Imaging modality of choice to diagnose esophageal perforation.

CT esophagram with gastrograffin is the imaging modality of choice in esophageal perforation. Gastrografin helps to avoid the inflammatory reaction seen with barium.


The most common complaint in a patient with pulmonary embolism

What is dyspnea.

The most common presenting complaints are dyspnea (81%), chest pain (39%), syncope (22%), hemoptysis (5%), and unilateral leg complaints (38%).


ECG findings help distinguish STEMI from pericarditis

What is 

  • Reciprocal ST-segment depression (ie, reciprocal changes) in leads other than V1 and aVR (odds ratio for STEMI is 31)

  • Horizontal or convex upward ST-segment morphology (odds ratio for STEMI is 6)

  • ST elevation in lead III > lead II (odds ratio for STEMI is 21)

  • The following are ECG abnormalities that suggest pericarditis

    • The absence of reciprocal changes

    • PR-segment abnormalities (depression in multiple leads and elevation in lead aVR). 


The preferred agent for heart rate control in the setting of aortic dissection and its dose?

What is esmolol 500microgram/kg bolus over 1 minute followed by 50 μg/kg/minute continuous infusion 


20 y/o female presents with chest pain.  Past medical history significant for endometriosis.  Chest x-ray show

What is Catamenial pneumothorax. Catamenial pneumothorax is a rare condition that affects the membranes surrounding the lungs.


Patient diagnosed with pulmonary embolism goes into cardiac arrest.  The drug/treatment of choice is

What is alteplase 100mg IVP or 50mg IVP followed by 50mg IVP 15minutes later.  Tenectaplase  CPR for 30 minutes 


Interpret this ekg


12 Lead ECG shows diffuse ST elevations (most prominent in leads V4-V6, II, aVF) with diffuse PR depressions (most notable in V5-V6) and PR elevation in lead aVR.


Eponym for the crunching sound with heartbeat auscultated over the precordium.

Hamman sign (simultaneous crunching sound with heartbeat auscultated over the precordium, especially in the left lateral decubitus position)


Gold standard for the diagnosis of myocarditis

What is histology.  

No ECG findings are specific to the diagnosis of myocarditis  Chest X-ray appears normal in patients without a pericardial effusion or tamponade. 
