90 Day Plan
The template required for initial settlement contacts/reviews.
The 344 template.
The letter we send if the customer elects not to settle on Initial Settlement Review Contact. The 90 Day Plan focus that must be included in the letter (2 things).
Pre-settlement Letter LDR/LDS
The purposes of explaining the required settlement paperwork and how to sign where the sticky flag or sample documents indicate.
Some examples include: It helps the customer feel more at ease with the TL process Avoids delays in payment due to paperwork completed incorrectly Avoids delays in selling of salvage due to paperwork completed incorrectly Avoids customer call backs for clarification
The acronym MCAR stands for:
Management Closed Assignment Review
The tool we use to determine proper branding. The handlers responsible for the accuracy of branding. The handler who is coached in PC Question 1.3 if branding is inaccurate.
VTI The handler who completes initial review sets up the claim for success and the handler sending the initial TDP assignment The handler who send the initial TDP assignment
The customer advises they would like to speak with their significant other. What are two options we might suggest to the customer?
1. Offer to conference in the other person they are wanting to review the figures with. We are the expert and can provide the clearest and most accurate explanation of the process to all parties involved. 2. If the customer is not disputing value, offer to send the paperwork now so they have it to show their significant other. This also may allow them to receive payment faster and help the customer avoid having to call back.
Every TL settlement should have at least one of this particular pay code. This pay code should be used when?
Pay code 1 When the final TL settlement payment is issued (not when we pay the salvage vendor charges).
The requirements for documenting the 344 template re: agent office settlements. The tool that might change this starting next week.
Must document the agent or agent's staff that gave permission to settle there. Agency Total Loss Settlement Tool
The benefits to the customer of Online Claim Services (OCS).
Some examples include: Enter EFT information Check payments Can make GAP documents/VE externally viewable
According to the Total Loss SCP, when a vehicle is determined to be repairable, is voice to voice contact expected?
When to set LDR for a claimant. The 4 (at least) places LDR must be documented, with specifics.
5 days from settlement review (or 7 days for a double-with claimant) • 344 contact template, with date/PD liability limits • TLST, if unable to put in LDR field – put it into comments • Settlement letter or pre-settlement letter (no pol limits listed) • Pending file note, with PD liability limits
The 9 steps in Branding the Call (must give at least 6)
1. Recap what the settlement will be 2. “We will…” 3. “You will need to…” 4. “Once we receive…” (Payment expectations/timing) 5. State LDR and LDS (if applicable) 6. Sub (if applicable, explain OOP and SF reimbursed) 7. Online Claim Service/Tracking # 8. Payment notifications (prepare them for notifications) 9. Check for additional needs and brand the call
The steps (from the TL SCP) if a vehicle is repairable.
•Verify the location of the vehicle •If the vehicle is at a salvage yard or repair facility, contact the salvage yard or repair facility to advise the vehicle is repairable. Confirm and update any advanced charges and ensure coverage and limits have been addressed •Notify SIP to close salvage, SIP will update PTL indicator. See Missing Parts/Salvage Deviations •Add a file note using 371 Repairable Vehicle •Update the pending file note to include the total loss threshold amount •Reassign associated COLs to claim owner •If the CO is not Injury, reassign the associated COLs and CO to Property-Complex Tier 2 Note: If the vehicle is being moved from salvage, update the comment box on the Vehicle Salvage tab to say “Deemed repairable (with date), stock # cancelled.”
When to set LDR for an Insured. The 4 (at least) places LDR must be documented, with specifics.
7 days from settlement review. • 344 contact template, with date/rental policy limits • TLST, if unable to put in LDR field – put it into comments • Settlement letter or pre-settlement letter with “subject to policy limits” • Pending file note, with rental policy limits
(At least) 2 ways that you impact reducing claim operating expenses.
Some examples include: - Accurate and efficient claim handling (reduces rework and reduces OT) - Branding of the call and setting clear expectations(reduces staffing expenses incurred due to customer call backs) -Moving claims to the furthest point with each touch (reduces the amount of touches in a claim) - Adhering to your schedule (to ensure you are in the right place at the right time for the customer and to meet our service level objectives)