Early Middle Ages
Growth of Towns and Cities
Crusades and Christianity
End of the Middle Ages

Why is this time period called the middle ages?

The middle times between ancient and modern 


Who held the most power in the feudal system?

Kings and Lords (land owners)


What shape is Europe? How did this contribute to an increase in trade?

Peninsula surrounded by water


What does Crusade mean? What religions were at war during the Crusades?

"holy war"

Christian church and muslim Turks in the middle east


What was the black death caused by?

Bubonic plague bacteria on fleas which lives on rats


Which barbarian tribe was Charlemagne the leader of?

The Franks (first French/Germans)


Describe the role of the vassal in feudal society

Lives on and rules over the piece of land for their lord. Repays the lord with military service in war time. 

Allows knights and peasants to live on land. 


How did England and Ireland's geography help them to become a booming trade center?

Surrounded by water helps to protect them and promote trade


What was the Concordat of Worms? How did it change the balance of church and state?

An agreement between the Holy Roman Emperor and the Pope that declared the church could decide its own leaders.

This made the church and government separate and increased the independent power of the church


How did the surge in trade during the middle ages contribute to the outbreak of the world wide plague?

More trade meant more ships/people traveling around the world. This made is easier for diseases and rats to make their way from Asia and into Europe


After Charlemagne's empire fell, which Scandinavians invaded Europe?



What code of conduct did knights follow that included how they should act and behave?

Code of Chivalry


What is a guild? Give an example

An organization of workers who set standards, prices, wages etc.

Ex: blacksmiths, shoe makers, weavers, etc.


What was the Magna Carta?

How did it change the balance of power between Church/State?

the first ever Bill of Rights in England/Europe.

Was a big step in outlining the responsibilities of the government/people and separating church from the go government. 


How did the plague contribute to the decline in feudalism?

Less people (vassals and peasants) brought an end to the system and it collapsed

There was a need for a more centralized government that would govern during a crisis. 


This was one of the first ever early European empires. It was founded by Duke Otto I after the Pope gave him lands that unified Italy and Germany into one country

Holy Roman Empire


Why did feudalism come out? What was it in response to?

Viking invasions. People needed protection when there was no national law/army/central ruling authority. Local lords and vassals provided structure and protection


Why did people first start using money (coins) during the middle ages rather than just bartering. 

More goods were made and people traded a lot more. It was easier to exchange money instead of trading goods for goods. 

What was the difference between gothic and roman architecture? 

Roman was simple with stone square buildings and small windows.

Gothic was tall and delicate with stained glass and flying buttresses. 


How did the Hundred Years War (long war between France and England) during the middle ages bring an end to feudalism?

First really big war between England and France. Feudalism made it hard to keep fighting as their was a shortage of knights and vassals over time.

Exposed the need for a standing military and central ruling king/queen to lead wars - not just local lords. 


What does the word "medieval" mean?



What was peasant life like? What role did they play within feudalism?

Work the land and live on the land. Called serfs when they are bound to a certain piece of land and must work to live.

Life was simple and involved working most days, going to church, etc. 


How did the invention of the plow contribute to farming development and the boom in trade?

crops could be plowed easier using horses and more food could be bought and via trade


What was heresy? What would the church do to punish heretics? 

heresy is going against the church teachings or speaking out against the church.

Heretics were punished by being killed, imprisoned, or exiled


How did the black plague change the way that people thought about the Church?

They felt like the church abandoned them and didn't help during the crisis. Church people lived a luxurious wealthy  life while most poor Europeans died in the country side and local towns and villages
