What color top is used for a culture?
Yellow top
What is the maximum time you can leave a tourniquet on?
1 minute
What's the most common puncture site?
Median cubital vein
On the blood tube
Where should you dispose of needles & lancets?
Sharps container
What is the gray top used to test and how many times is it inverted?
Glucose & inverted 8-10 times
What do you do if you can't palpate a vein?
Use a warm compress or hang the patient's arm below chest level.
What is the groups name and age..
Diya Bhattacharya 17
Nataly Campas 17
Fatima Serrano 17
Alyssa Keown 17
What is the maximum amount of time a patient has to reschedule a missed appointment?
48 hours
TRUE OR FALSE: Can a cotton ball with blood be thrown in the regular trash?
What is the orange top used to test for and how many times is it inverted?
Toxicology & 0 times
How long should you clean the puncture site for and what percentage should the alcohol pad be at?
30-60 sec. 70%
Cephalic, Basilic & Median Cubital Vein
What is the recommended fasting time?
8-12 hours
TRUE OR FALSE: should a blood tube with a patient's sample be placed in a biohazard bag before transportation
What does TSH with Reflex to T4 test for?
Hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism
What is an alternative to cotton balls according to NHA guidelines?
What venipuncture method should you use for patients with small or fragile veins
Patient full name, DOB, ordering physician name & signature, insurance information, what test should be performed, ICD-10 & CPT code, SSN,
What PPE should you be wearing during venipuncture for a patient with an infectious disease?
gloves, surgical mask/n95, gown, goggles, face shield
What is the order of draw and their additives?
clear/ yellow: culture
light blue: sodium citrate
red: serum
orange: rapid serum
green: heparin
lavender: EDTA
pink: EDTA
gray: sodium flouride
light yellow: acid citrate dextrose
royal blue: EDTA
Using the slap method of finding a vein could possibly lead to what charge?
What is one puncture site where you should NEVER puncture? What are possible consequences of puncturing it?
Ulnar nerve, pointer finger, middle of the foot
List 3 possible complications from not filling out a lab requisition form/ label?
1. Wrong test performed
2. Mixing up patient's results
3. Exposing patient information/breaking HIPPA regulations
Give 3 examples of items that aren't OSHA approved.
bent needles, self-employed/uncertified workers, no PPE