What is a temporary change in movement behaviour seen during a practice session?
What is learning by doing?
Implicit procedural learning
What is cognitive, associative and automatic stage?
fitts and posner 3-stage
augmented feedback
Breaking down a task and practicing individual aspects
What is reacquisition of movement skills lost through injury?
Recovery of function
What is declarative form of learning that can be assessed by testing for factual information?
Explicit learning
What is feedback about outcome of movement?
Variable practice
What is version of skills experienced in practice that is similar to skills in real-life situations when the training is over?
What is learning to pair a consequence with a response?
Performer begins to release degrees of freedom?
Advanced performer
What is feedback given at the end of practice?
What is practice that involves solving the movement problem in different ways?
Variable or Random practice
retention, transfer, task analysis
What is the area of NS important for implicit procedural learning?
Basal Ganglia, Cerebellum
Model of learning describing fixation and diversification of skills
Gentile's Two-stage model
Task practice order best suited for patients with severe cognitive deficits
Previous experience interferes with learning of a new skill
Negative transfer
Type of stroke shown where explicit instructions can interfere with implicit learning?
Basal Ganglia Stroke
Explanation for presence of coactivation of muscles during early stages of acquiring motor skill
Bernstein's 3-stage approach
What is more feedback early in practice session and lesser feedback later in practice session?
What occurs when multiple skills are practiced within a single session?
Contextual interference