When I get annoyed by someone on unit...
Examples: yell; start a physical fight; don't tell anyone
To draw, you can use...
Pens, pencils, chalk, markers, pastels, charcoal, colored pencils, crayons, etc...
When I get annoyed by someone on unit...
Examples: ask them to stop doing what is annoying me; leave the situation if possible; let someone know who can intervene
A time when I felt angry...
Example: stubbing my toe; getting bullied
In Fortnite, I can battle...
Zombies and/or other players
If I lose a game of COD...
I might: yell; throw the controller; break something
When I draw on my work in class, I'm...
If I lose a game of COD...
Examples: ask the other person if they want to play again; recognize that it's a game and doesn't mean anything negative about me; use deep breathing techniques
A time when I felt happy...
Examples: passing a test; playing outside; talking with friends
When a player drops into the game, they start with...
When I get sad, I...
Examples: make other people feel badly about themselves; don't tell anyone/hide my emotions; ignore anyone trying to help me
The most popular style of drawing in Japanese cartoons is...
When I get sad, I...
Examples: let myself cry in a space I feel safe in; express my feelings in a space I feel safe in; tell someone I trust/feel safe with; think of things that make me happy; do something that makes me happy
A time when I felt frustrated...
Examples: I couldn't play outside when I wanted to; I struggled with a topic in class; no one agreed with me on what TV show/movie to watch
To win, you have to...
Be the last person/squad left
If someone steals something from me...
I might: steal something from them; punch them
Drawings in all one color are...
If someone steals something from me...
Examples: tell an adult/authority figure; ask them to return what they stole, being polite but also assertive; ask to do a conflict resolution
Examples: not seeing my family; losing COD or Fortnite; losing my favorite pair of sneakers
The most popular dance move players use is...
When I get really angry, I...
Example: hurt someone; break something; bully someone; not express my feelings
The Mona Lisa is famous for...
Her smile
When I get really angry...
Examples: yell into my pillow; punch my pillow; talk about it/tell someone I am comfortable telling; use a stress ball/toy; exercise
A time when I felt comfortable...
Examples: when my sister called me; when I ate something that reminded me of a good memory; when I knew most of the people around me
Players can create...
Forts/worlds and battlegrounds